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Profile of Otto Fung

Otto Fung

VP, Technical Operations, CDC Games - CDC Corp.
Otto Fung Email :
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Company Name : CDC Corp.
Company Website : www.cdccorporation.net
Company Address : Ste. I, 5/F. Bldg. A
E Gate Plz., Beijing, Dongcheng District,
Otto Fung Profile :
VP, Technical Operations, CDC Games - CDC Corp.
Otto Fung Biography :

Otto Fung has served as Vice President of Technical Operations of CDC Games since February 2007. Before joining CDC Games, Mr. Fung was the Director of Operations for BBMF Group Inc., a 3G mobile content company in Japan. While at BBMF, Mr. Fung assisted in establishing BBMF�s the China and Taiwan production operations. Mr. Fung had eight years of experience in the Asian IT and Telecom industries before joining BBMF. He also co-founded PickTips.com, an venture-backed IT company that develops wireless applications, which was subsequently sold to Malaysian-based Viztel in 2001. Mr. Fung was also the Director of POPstar, a Nasdaq OTCBB worldwide IP-fax company, and was responsible for the rollout of its IP-fax network throughout Asia.

Otto Fung Colleagues :
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Thomas Britt

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John Clough

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Wong Chi

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Peter Yip

Exec. Vice Chmn., CEO Please login

Raymond Ch'Ien

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