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Profile of Pam Lupo

Pam Lupo

Dir. - Orthotics - Wright & Filippis Inc.
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Company Name : Wright & Filippis Inc.
Company Website : www.wright-filippis.com
Company Address : 2845 Crooks Rd.
, Rochester Hills, MI,
United States,
Pam Lupo Profile :
Dir. - Orthotics - Wright & Filippis Inc.
Pam Lupo Biography :

Pam Lupo grew up around prosthetics and orthotics. The daughter of Eugene "Gene" Filippis, CPO, and former President of Wright & Filippis, her first job entailed sweeping the floors at the Rochester Hills office. Pam did not plan on pursuing a career in O&P. "There were only four women in the state of Michigan in either discipline in the late 70s," said Pam. She went to Michigan State University in East Lansing to pursue a degree in hotel and restaurant management. While there, she worked part-time at Wright & Filippis where, she said "Ken Woodward, CPO and then branch manager, introduced me to orthotics, and I was hooked!" Then in 1980 Pam went to Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois and became a certified orthotist in 1982. She specialized in pediatric orthotics until 1996. By 1998 she became director of orthotics, post-mastectomy care, and also the director of the orthotic residency program. She is a member of the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) Coding Committee and speaks to a variety of professional audiences about the field of orthotics. For years Pam has been on a special mission to provide orthotic and prosthetic care to West Africa. The work she has done in Ghana has been her driving passion.

Pam Lupo Colleagues :
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Anthony Filippis

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John Wright

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