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Profile of Patrick Schambach

Patrick Schambach

Pres. - Civilian Sector e - Government, Infrastructure Solutions - Nortel Government Solutions Inc.
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Company Name : Nortel Government Solutions Inc.
Company Website : www.pec.com
Company Address : 12730 Fair Lakes Cir.
, Fairfax, VA,
United States,
Patrick Schambach Profile :
Pres. - Civilian Sector e - Government, Infrastructure Solutions - Nortel Government Solutions Inc.
Patrick Schambach Biography :

Patrick R. Schambach joined Nortel Government Solutions Inc. in June 2004 after retiring with more than 32 years of federal service. At Nortel Government Solutions, Mr. Schambach is responsible for market management for many civilian agencies, and for directing the operations of divisions performing applications development, information assurance, infrastructure services, and program management for major clients.

Prior to joining Nortel Government Solutions, Mr. Schambach was the founding Associate Under Secretary for Information Technology and CIO of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). TSA was created in response to the events of September 11, 2001, to federalize security operations at airports and other modes of transportation. Mr. Schambach joined TSA in February 2002 as one of its first permanent employees. TSA subsequently moved from the Department of Transportation to the newly created Department of Homeland Security, where Mr. Schambach was an active member of the department's CIO Council.

Prior to joining TSA, Mr. Schambach was the Assistant Director, Office of Science and Technology, and the CIO of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for just over five years. Prior to ATF, he spent over 24 years with the United States Secret Service. While at the Secret Service, he was the Deputy CIO and served in a variety of roles related to technology support. Mr. Schambach was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in 1988.

In March 2003, Mr. Schambach was honored for the second time in his career as one of the "Federal 100", the group of 100 executives from government, industry and academia found by the Federal Computer Week trade journal to have had the greatest impact on the government systems community. In addition, he received the prestigious 2003 Eagle Award, presented to the one federal executive in the group to have had the single greatest impact on the federal IT community. In October 2002, he received the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Executive for the second time in his career. In June 2002, he was presented with the Executive Leadership Award by the Association of Federal Information Resources Managers (AFFIRM), that organization's most prestigious annual award. He served for several years as the Co-Chair of the Treasury Department CIO Council, was a popular speaker at federal IT events, has testified in several Congressional hearings, and has appeared in numerous publications and broadcasts related to government technology issues.

Mr. Schambach is: a Principal on the Council of Excellence in Government and a member of that organization's CIO Sage program; a member of the IT Advisory Committee to the Director of the FBI; a member of the Hewlett-Packard Federal Advisory Committee; a member of the Security Leadership Institute at Unisys Corp.; a member of the Board of Directors of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA); a past member of the Business Policy Advisory Board of Cisco Systems, Inc.; a member of the Board of Governors of Paul VI Catholic High School; and is a uniformed leader in the Boy Scouts of America. He also founded and operates a teen volunteer program performing free home improvements/repairs for needy families in the Reston/Herndon, Virginia area, while teaching skills to teen volunteers.

Mr. Schambach has an undergraduate degree in Finance from Fairfield University and a Masters of Business Administration degree from George Washington University with an area of concentration in Information Systems Management. Pat and his wife have four children.

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