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Profile of Patrick Stack

Patrick Stack

CTO - Jopari Solutions Inc.
Patrick Stack Email :
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Company Name : Jopari Solutions Inc.
Company Website : www.jopari.com
Company Address : 1000 Burnett Ave.
Ste. 130, Concord, CA,
United States,
Patrick Stack Profile :
CTO - Jopari Solutions Inc.
Patrick Stack Biography :

Patrick Stack is the chief architect and technical visionary for Jopari Total Transaction Gateway. He is instrumental in guiding Jopari�s product strategy and interfacing with prospective clients, customers and business partners. Mr. Stack adds not only experience in software technology, but also extensive knowledge in working with and developing solutions for the provider side of the healthcare industry.

With over 30 years of software development experience, Mr. Stack�s career includes senior management positions as Chief Technology Officer at Altary LLC, VP of Advanced Technologies at New Era of Networks, Inc. and VP of Research and Development at Century Analysis, Inc. (CAI). In these positions, Mr. Stack architected and developed products ranging from a mainframe database to a rules based event processing system. At CAI he was chief architect for the company�s application integration products including the Transaction Distribution Management (TDM) product (currently sold as Impact! by Sybase). Prior to Century Analysis he was with NCR as a senior systems analyst where he developed applications for a wide range of customers including Varian Vacuum Division, California Mutual Insurance Group, Merced Medical Clinic and Applied Materials Inc.

Mr. Stack currently serves on the State of Texas and California�s Electronic Bill and Payment Task forces which are responsible for defining the Workers� Compensation business rules and ANSI X12 transaction sets for electronic bill and payment transactions. Mr. Stack has served as the ANSI X12 expert in assisting California and Texas in developing a proposed National EBill and Payment ANSI Implementation Guide. Also Mr. Stack serves on the IAIABC Medical Subcommittee for E-Bill and Payment Processing.

Patrick Stack Colleagues :
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J. Stevens

CEO Please login

John Stevens

Consulting VP - Business Development Please login

Sherry Wilson

COO Please login

Nancy Larget

CFO Please login

Jim Grim

Sr. VP Please login

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