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Profile of Paul Anderson

Paul Anderson

Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
Paul Anderson Email :
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Company Name : Milliman USA Inc.
Company Website : www.milliman.com
Company Address : 1301 5th Ave.
Ste. 3800, Seattle, WA,
United States,
Paul Anderson Profile :
Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
Paul Anderson Biography :

Professional designations

Fellow, Casualty Actuarial Society

Member, American Academy of Actuaries

Current responsibility

Paul is an actuary with the Milwaukee office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 2007 after 13 years at a major insurance company.


Paul�s area of expertise is in personal lines property and casualty insurance, especially in ratemaking and ratemaking applications. He is experienced in numerous aspects of personal lines actuarial work, including pricing; analyzing and developing classification plans; catastrophe management; pricing hurricane, earthquake, and wildfire perils; incorporating reinsurance costs into rates; and data analysis and forecasting. Paul has extensive experience in both auto and property lines.

In developing classification plans, Paul has experience building and applying generalized linear models (GLMs); using consumer credit information within personal lines rating plans; pricing property lines using a type-of-loss (or by-peril) analysis; and creating territory definitions based on the latest credibility, smoothing, and experience-sharing techniques. Paul also has more than five years of experience with California auto classification plans, and has expertise with the Proposition 103 regulations, including sequential analysis and the recent 2006 revisions to these regulations.


BS, Actuarial Science, Drake University

Paul Anderson Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Noel Abkemeier

Principal - Consulting Actuary Please login

Michael Abroe

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Ryo Adachi

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John Agogliati

Principal Please login

Edwin Akwenuke

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