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Profile of Paul Averback

Paul Averback

Chmn., CEO, Pres. - Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp.
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Company Name : Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp.
Company Website : www.nymox.com
Company Address : Nymox Corporation
230 W Passaic St., Maywood, NJ,
United States,
Paul Averback Profile :
Chmn., CEO, Pres. - Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp.
Paul Averback Biography :

Dr. Paul Averback has been a Director since September 1995 and is currently the Chairman of the Board. Dr. Paul Averback is the founder, CEO and President of Nymox. He is the inventor of Nymox's spheron-based technologies and co-inventor with other scientists of many of Nymox's other proprietary technologies. Dr. Averback has a vast experience as a successful independent entrepreneur, scientific researcher, medical specialist and front-line medical practitioner. He has successfully negotiated several strategic research collaborations with large multinational pharmaceutical companies in the US, Europe, and Japan. Dr. Averback has extensive firsthand knowledge of health care, including as an emergency room physician, family physician, clinic administrator and university Medical Faculty member. In addition to many issued and pending patents, Dr. Averback has published prolifically in the scientific and medical literature on subjects such as Alzheimer's disease, pharmaceuticals, neuropathology, neuroanatomy, diagnostics, vascular disease, oncology, cytology, congenital disease, embryology, geometrical probability and morphometry. Dr. Averback (MD '75) holds a Diploma of the American Board of Pathology with Special Competence in Neuropathology, was a Medical Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at Cambridge University, England (1977-1980), and was on the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University (1980-1985).

Paul Averback Colleagues :
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Roy Wolvin

Sec. - Treasurer, CFO Please login

Jack Gemmell

Dir., General Counsel, CIO Please login

Randall Lanham

Board Dir. Please login

Paul McDonald

Board Dir. Please login

David Morse

Board Dir. Please login

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