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Profile of Paul Judge

Paul Judge

CTO - Secure Computing Corp.
Paul Judge Email :
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Company Name : Secure Computing Corp.
Company Website : www.sctc.com
Company Address : 4810 Harwood Rd.
, San Jose, CA,
United States,
Paul Judge Profile :
CTO - Secure Computing Corp.
Paul Judge Biography :

Dr. Paul Q. Judge currently serves as Chief Technology Officer for CipherTrust, Inc. Joining CipherTrust in 2000, Dr. Judge manages all CipherTrust research, advanced product development and product management, and is the lead inventor for CipherTrust's 13 patent-pending security technologies. Under his technology leadership, CipherTrust has grown to its current position as the global leader in messaging security, protecting more than 2000 enterprises worldwide.

Prior to joining CipherTrust, Dr. Judge worked with IBM and NASA. Having been named to MIT's list of the top 100 young innovators in the world in 2003, Dr. Judge has spearheaded multiple research initiatives and is one of the founders of the Internet Research Task Force's Anti-Spam Research Group.

Dr. Judge is a recognized authority on messaging security issues, having authored numerous papers that have been published in leading academic journals, presented at multiple industry and academic conferences including COMDEX, Interop, INBOX, RSA, MIT Spam Conference and InfoSecurity. Dr. Judge has also been featured in hundreds of national media outlets including CNN, Forbes, Business Week, People Magazine and the LA Times.

Paul Judge Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Timothy McGurran

Pres., COO Please login

Tim Steinkopf

Sr. VP, CFO Please login

John McNulty

Dir. Please login

Mary Budge

Sr. VP, Sec., General Counsel Please login

Stephen Puricelli

Private Investor, Dir. Please login

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