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Profile of Paul Simonetti

Paul Simonetti

VP - Numismatics - Superior Galleries Inc.
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Company Name : Superior Galleries Inc.
Company Website : www.sgbh.com
Company Address : 20011 Ventura Blvd.
, Woodland Hills, CA,
United States,
Paul Simonetti Profile :
VP - Numismatics - Superior Galleries Inc.
Paul Simonetti Biography :

Mr. Simonetti is a member of the prestigious Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG #603), a Life Member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA LM-4491), and also holds memberships in numerous additional numismatic fellowships. A coin collector since childhood, he entered the professional arena in the early 80's during a successful career in computers. It was this ahead-of-his-time knowledge in computers that helped him bring numismatics to the internet, long before anyone thought it was possible.

Putting together collections of significance is his forte' and Mr. Simonetti has handled some of the finest and rarest coins in all of numismatics. He attends every major numismatic convention and nearly every other smaller sized show as well. Locating coins for his clients' Want Lists is one of his highest priorities and he welcomes new lists enthusiastically.

In addition to a successful independent career as the owner of American Liberty Rare Coins, Mr. Simonetti has held positions at some of the largest coin companies in the world - most recently at Heritage Rare Coin Galleries where he served as Director of Collector Sales. His broad range of knowledge in numismatics and business practices has kept him extremely active in direct sales, auction consignments, coin appraisals, and much more.

Today, as Vice President of Numismatics for Superior Galleries, Mr. Simonetti deals with many of the firms' wealthiest clients but he always has time for anyone with a question. Regardless of whether your coin is $100 or $1 million, Mr. Simonetti anxiously awaits your call and the opportunity to be of service.

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