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Profile of Paul Smith

Paul Smith

COO - DVTel Inc.
Paul Smith Email :
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Company Name : DVTel Inc.
Company Website : www.dvtel.com
Company Address : 65 Challenger Rd.
, Ridgefield Park, NJ,
United States,
Paul Smith Profile :
COO - DVTel Inc.
Paul Smith Biography :

Mr. Smith is a veteran technology industry executive with extensive management experience in sales, marketing, operations and product development. At DVTel, Paul has led the organization through four years of tremendous growth by developing a worldwide sales team, managing day-to-day operations and providing a strong corporate voice and vision. As such, he has positioned DVTel as an industry leader; he has written and been quoted for numerous articles which educate the market on advanced software solutions for security; and he has delivered presentations on the growth of IP video management at top industry conferences and events.Previously, Mr. Smith was a member of the founding team of DSET Corporation, where he helped lead the company to a successful initial public offering in 1998. Mr. Smith was also chief executive officer and co-founder of The Center for Strategic Communications, a strategic planning and marketing services firm serving high-technology companies. Mr. Smith began his career with Bell Labs and later worked for AT&T Network Systems (now Lucent Technologies). Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Tufts University and Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.

Paul Smith Colleagues :
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Adina Enden

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Raviv Shefet

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