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Profile of Paul Zeman

Paul Zeman

Sr. VP, GM - New York, Communications, Brand Analytics Division - Phoenix Marketing International Inc.
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Company Name : Phoenix Marketing International Inc.
Company Website : www.phoenixmi.com
Company Address : 6423 Montgomery St.
Ste. 12, Rhinebeck, NY,
United States,
Paul Zeman Profile :
Sr. VP, GM - New York, Communications, Brand Analytics Division - Phoenix Marketing International Inc.
Paul Zeman Biography :

Paul joined Phoenix from American Express where he was Director of Advertising Research. At Amex, Paul managed the team responsible for research to support advertising strategy, branding, creative development, media, and ad effectiveness measurement. In his eight years at Amex, the team's research guided numerous successful campaigns; created unique systems for understanding non-traditional media efforts; and developed integrated measurement tools. Prior to Amex, Paul managed research projects and tracking at Fleet Bank. In addition to working in research at several client organizations, Paul has experience on the supplier and ad agency sides of the business (20 years total). Categories include financial services, retail, apparel, and packaged goods. Paul graduated from Brown University and heads up our New York office. Paul joined Phoenix from American Express where he was Director of Advertising Research. At Amex, Paul managed the team responsible for research to support advertising strategy, branding, creative development, media, and ad effectiveness measurement. In his eight years at Amex, the team's research guided numerous successful campaigns; created unique systems for understanding non-traditional media efforts; and developed integrated measurement tools. Prior to Amex, Paul managed research projects and tracking at Fleet Bank. In addition to working in research at several client organizations, Paul has experience on the supplier and ad agency sides of the business (20 years total). Categories include financial services, retail, apparel, and packaged goods. Paul graduated from Brown University and heads up our New York office.

Paul Zeman Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Carolyn Ahlstrom

VP - Technology Practice Please login

Ellen Albert

Dir. - Statistical Analysis Please login

Beth Allan

Pres. - Communications, Brand Analytics Division Please login

John Antonello

MD - Travel, Leisure Please login

Jonathan Ashton

VP - Quantitative Research, Multicultural Practice Please login

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