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Profile of Peter Glassberg

Peter Glassberg

VP - Worldwide Sales, Service - Da Vinci Systems LLC
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Company Name : Da Vinci Systems LLC
Company Website : www.davsys.com
Company Address : 4397 NW 124 Ave.
, Coral Springs, FL,
United States,
Peter Glassberg Profile :
VP - Worldwide Sales, Service - Da Vinci Systems LLC
Peter Glassberg Biography :

Peter Glassberg is an industry veteran, being involved in the broadcast and post-production industry for over 25 years. He began his career as a field engineer for the Professional Products Division of CBS laboratories and was promoted to Customer Service Manager there. Changing his focus to sales, Peter moved on to Quanta Corporation, a member of the Dynatech video group. He held key management positions within Quanta, eventually being promoted to Zone Manager for the eight video companies comprising Dynatech Video Group, one of which was da Vinci and where Peter later focused his efforts as Regional Sales Manager. For the past eight years, Peter has been the vice president of Worldwide Sales and Service for da Vinci Systems. He is passionate about customer service, believing that it is the key component of partnership between customer, manufacturer, and repeat sales. Peter Glassberg is a graduate of Sylvania Institute of Technology and an affiliate of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) and National Association of Broadcasters (NAB).

Peter Glassberg Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Bill Robertson

GM Please login

David Johnson

VP - Engineering Please login

Mike Rhine

VP - Finance, Operations Please login

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