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Profile of Phillip McLeod

Phillip McLeod

Principal, Emeryville - Lecg Corp.
Phillip McLeod Email :
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Company Name : Lecg Corp.
Company Website : www.lecg.com
Company Address : 2000 Powell St.
Ste. 600, Emeryville, CA,
United States,
Phillip McLeod Profile :
Principal, Emeryville - Lecg Corp.
Phillip McLeod Biography :

Dr. Phillip W. McLeod has over 20 years of experience as an economic expert with a successful record of testifying in both civil litigation and regulatory proceedings. In civil proceedings, Dr. McLeod has applied economic and financial principles in developing complex damage analyses in antitrust, intellectual property, and breach of contract matters. Examples include copyright infringement involving software developers, breach of contract over the sale of natural gas and electric energy, and predatory pricing in the newspaper industry. In regulatory proceedings, he has testified on market power and market design issues. Examples include market power in the Pacific Northwest, pricing of energy in the California market and pricing of electricity in the Midwest market. Dr. McLeod has taught courses on managerial finance, operation research and decision analysis and he has written a number of articles on market design issues. Dr. McLeod has taught economics and decision analysis at California State University at Hayward and Saints Mary�s College, and was an original member of the California Power Exchange board of directors. He holds a PhD in engineering economic systems and a master�s degree in operations research from Stanford University and a BEE, cum laude from Pratt Institute. Dr. McLeod spent a year as an energy advisor to Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska under a Ford Foundation Congressional Fellowship. He is also the recipient of a Bell Laboratories Doctoral Support Fellowship.

Phillip McLeod Colleagues :
Name Title Email

David Teece

Co - Founder, Vice Chmn. Please login

Marvin Tenenbaum

VP, General Counsel, Sec. Please login

William Liebeck

Dir. Please login

Tina Bussone

Head - Human Resources, Operations Please login

David Kaplan

Exec. Dir. - Washington DC Please login

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