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Profile of Piergiovanni Matrona

Piergiovanni Matrona

VP - Sales - Mintera Corp.
Piergiovanni Matrona Email :
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Company Name : Mintera Corp.
Company Website : www.mintera.com
Company Address : 35 Nagog Pk.
, Acton, MA,
United States,
Piergiovanni Matrona Profile :
VP - Sales - Mintera Corp.
Piergiovanni Matrona Biography :

Piergiovanni Matrona is Mintera�s Vice President of Sales, EMEA. With over 15 years in the Telecommunication industry covering Product Management, Business Development, Marketing and Sales, Piergiovanni most recently led the worldwide sales team of Pirelli Broadband Solutions for both Optical Components and Systems. In the years spanning from 2002 to late 2005, he was in charge of Marketing and Sales in two start-up companies based in California: Vivato in the field of Metropolitan WiFi Systems and Terawave Communications in the BPON/GPON arena.In the prior years, Piergiovanni was VP of Brand Management in Nortel Networks for the Ultra-Long Haul Optical Platform, after having spent roughly 10 years with Cisco through the acquisition of Pirelli Optical Systems. With Cisco and Pirelli, his roles spanned from R&D (development of the first analog transponder in the market), to System Engineering (design of the first networks deployed in the USA adopting EDFAs and WDM technologies), to Product Management for Optical Components, Terrestrial and Submarine WDM Systems. Piergiovanni holds MS and BS degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Palermo in Italy.

Piergiovanni Matrona Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Bryan Hall

Sr. VP - Worldwide Sales Please login

Steve Lombardi

VP - Engineering Please login

Pavel Mamyshev

CTO, VP Please login

Benny Mikkelsen

VP, Systems, Technology Please login

Steve Penticost

N, A Please login

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