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Profile of Pierluigi Scibetta

Pierluigi Scibetta

Board Dir. - Eni SpA
Pierluigi Scibetta Email :
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Company Name : Eni SpA
Company Website : www.eni.it
Company Address : Piazzale Mattei, 1
, Rome, ,
Pierluigi Scibetta Profile :
Board Dir. - Eni SpA
Pierluigi Scibetta Biography :

He was born in Florence in 1959. He is graduated in economics at the University "La Sapienza" Rome. He is a chartered accountant and auditor. He was appointed director and auditor in numerous public entities and companies. In 2003 he was appointed Director of Istituto Superiore per la previdenza e la sicurezza del lavoro - I.S.P.E.S.L. (the State Agency for the employees safety) Gestore del Mercato Elettrico S.p.A.and Ente per le nuove tecnologie l'energia e l'ambiente - ENEA (the State Agency for technologies energy and environment). In 2004 he was appointed Director of Nucleco S.p.A.. He is Professor of Environmental economics at the University of Perugia. He is author of numerous texts and essays of political economics and administrative law and a professional counsel. Since May 2005 he is Director of Eni S.p.A..

Pierluigi Scibetta Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Stefano Cao

CEO - Public Affairs, Communication Please login

Marco Mangiagalli

CFO Please login

Angelo Taraborrelli

COO Eni Refining, Marketing Division Please login

Leonardo Maugeri

Sr. VP - Corporate Strategies Please login

Paolo Scaroni

Board Dir., CEO Please login

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