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Profile of Pradeep Vashisth

Pradeep Vashisth

Principal - EW Group Inc.
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Company Name : EW Group Inc.
Company Website : www.ewgroup.com
Company Address : 59 Rainbow Rd.
, East Granby, CT,
United States,
Pradeep Vashisth Profile :
Principal - EW Group Inc.
Pradeep Vashisth Biography :

Pradeep Vashisth has over 8 years of experience in software application and technology development. He joined E/W Group in 1999 and is currently Director of Application Development for Investment Systems with affiliate efSolutions where he established and oversees application architecture and development for BasisPoint. Pradeep is expert in systems design, analysis, full application development lifecycle and implementation. Previously, Pradeep was with AOL-TIME WARNER where he managed the application design, analysis, development, and implementation of new systems that replaced those on mainframes for internal/back office accounting, and sales forecasting for hundreds of affiliated different publishing companies.

Previously, Pradeep was with ST. PAUL REINSURANCE where he was a Senior System Analyst developing and maintaining a Claims and Accounting module; was a System Analyst with New York-based SIGMA SIX, where he provided technical support and fine-tuning of a first of its kind Transact-SQL debugger tool (now known as XPEDITER/SQL) for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server applications; and was with a prominent Indian company as development team leader for various application systems. Pradeep holds a Masters degree in Engineering from University of Rhode Island, and is Microsoft Certified Professional. Before coming to United States, Pradeep earned his under graduate degree in Engineering from the University of Mangalore in India

Pradeep Vashisth Colleagues :
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