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Profile of Prakash Pisipati

Prakash Pisipati

Pres., CEO - New Protocol Inc.
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Company Name : New Protocol Inc.
Company Website : www.newprotocol.com
Company Address : 399 Conklin St.
Ste. No. 202, Farmingdale, NY,
United states,
Prakash Pisipati Profile :
Pres., CEO - New Protocol Inc.
Prakash Pisipati Biography :

Mr. Prakash Pisipati is the President and CEO of The New Protocol, Inc., from the inception of the company in 1995. During the years 1993 - 2002, Mr. Pisipati has held various IT positions as an employee/consultant in Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, Computer Associates Intl., Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC), Acxiom and New York Hospital, Queens (NYHQ). He has gained vast experience in IT Project Management/coordination/Liaison, Vendor management, full cycle development of software projects using off-shore development centers, Network/Application/Security/data center infrastructure design, preparation of RFPs and RFIs. Mr. Pisipati has coordinated projects with major IT corporations ( CISCO, AT&T, NCR, Checkfree ) and Market data vendors (Reuters, ILX, Bloomberg, S&P, Bridge, Multex ). He has a B.S. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from REC, Warangal, INDIA and M.S. in Computer Science from New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), Old Westbury, NY. He was a previous member of IEEE and Institution of Engineers.

Prakash Pisipati Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Bert Williams

CFO Please login

Shaker Nelanuthala

VP Sales Please login

Sunitha Pisipati

VP Marketing Please login

Sonia Codur

VP Global Operations Please login

Jennifer Cardone

Mgr., MT Quality Assurance Please login

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