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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Randall Cieslak
Randall Cieslak's Email : Please login
Company Name : United States Pacific Command
Company Website : www.pacom.mil
Company Address : PO Box 64031
, Camp H M Smith, HI,
United States,
Randall Cieslak's Profile : CIO
Randall Cieslak's Biography :

Mr. Randall (Randy) C. Cieslak reported to Headquarters, U.S. Pacific Command in December, 1999. As the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Mr. Cieslak is responsible for the planning and management of information resources, to maximize overall Pacific Command mission effectiveness. Today, Mr. Cieslak�s goal is to establish an information infrastructure that supports and provides world-class Information Technology (IT) service, plus the highest level of information assurance consistent with operational requirements. He also intends to establish a workforce savvy in computer, network and information tools. Mr. Cieslak was born and raised in Indiana. He graduated with honors from Purdue University in 1977, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering. In 1987, he received his Masters Degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California, specializing in Information Systems. Mr. Cieslak's Naval career began as a submarine officer aboard the USS OMAHA (SSN 692) where he served as the Weapons Officer. After he left active duty, he joined Federal Civil Service and the Naval Reserve, where he holds the rank of Captain. As a Naval Officer, Mr. Cieslak earned two Navy Commendation Medals, and both the Navy and Army Achievement Medals. Early in his civil service career, Mr. Cieslak worked for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard as a nuclear engineering instructor before transferring to the Naval Ocean Systems Center, now the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego. He worked on several programs, including the Fleet Command Center Battle Management Program, Operations Support System, Joint Maritime Command Information System, and the Global Command and Control System. As a system integrator, Mr. Cieslak was frequently called upon to solve poorly defined problems spanning the scope of multiple information systems. He lead the DON CIO Information Technology Standards Guidance Integrated Product Team from 1998 to 1999, as well as the federation of several Wide Area Networks (WAN), Navy�s IT21 initiative. Mr. Cieslak�s civilian awards include a Certificate in Excellence for Acquisition Reform, the combined AFCEA -- U.S. Naval Institute Copernicus Award, the Meritorious Civilian Service Award and the Superior Civilian Service Award. He was previously listed as a member of the Federal Computer Week's "Top 100" Federal Information Technology professionals.

Randall Cieslak's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Joseph Pedone Board Dir. Manpower, Personnel, Administration Please login
Timothy Keating Commander Please login
Daniel Leaf Dep. Commander Please login
James Roy Sr. Enlisted Leader Please login
Andrew Singer Dir. Intelligence Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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