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Profile of Randy Brunner

Randy Brunner

VP - Manufacturing - Consumer Source Inc.
Randy Brunner Email :
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Company Name : Consumer Source Inc.
Company Website : www.consumersource.com
Company Address : 3585 Engineering Dr.
, Norcross, GA,
United States,
Randy Brunner Profile :
VP - Manufacturing - Consumer Source Inc.
Randy Brunner Biography :

Randy Brunner has been a Vice President of Consumer Source, Inc. (CSI) since 1995. His primary duties focus on being the Director of Manufacturing for the company. Brunner is responsible for negotiating all major paper and print services for the company�s various publications. He also develops and oversees production strategies for existing, start-up, and acquired publications. Through Brunner�s guidance, CSI evolved from typesetting and hand-layout to electronic file creation on desktop in 1989. Five years later, he successfully managed the consolidation of nine regional art/production departments into a more efficient and effective single production division known as the Electronic Graphics Group (EGG). Since then, EGG�s digital workflow has allowed CSI to be on the cutting edge of production technology. The division�s early adaptation of direct-to-film, direct-to-plate, specialized ad layout software, in-house photo/image scanning, wide area network usage, in-house soft proofing, database driven page layout, and internet based file transfer has allowed SCI to grow rapidly and profitably. Brunner has been with Consumer Source since 1981. During his tenure, CSI cost of goods as a percentage of sales has dropped from 34% to under 18% while increasing the size, color, and quality of its publications. Prior to his current position, he has served as Art Director, Production Manager, and Director of Production Operations. Before joining CSI, Brunner was employed by two small Atlanta printing companies for five years where he gained production management and sales support experience.

Randy Brunner Colleagues :
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Robert Metz

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Kim Payne

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Arlene Mayfield

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Kelly Bergeron

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Jeff Caplan

CIO, VP - IT Please login

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