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Profile of Randy Nieukirk

Randy Nieukirk

Systems Administrator - Duo Consulting
Randy Nieukirk Email :
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Company Name : Duo Consulting
Company Website : www.duodesign.com
Company Address : One N Wacker
Ste. 950, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Randy Nieukirk Profile :
Systems Administrator - Duo Consulting
Randy Nieukirk Biography :

Randy Nieukirk has more than 20 years of experience in computer and network administration. He began learning how to make a computer work using BASIC when he was 12 years old! He grew up with computers as his second language, maybe his first.....and as computers matured, so has he. Randy's experience ranges from configuring and administrating large email systems to high tech radiology (PACS) systems for major hospitals and physicians' homes. At Duo, Randy manages and maintains network infrastructure including the application development and staging environments. He also works with the rest of the system administration team in monitoring, maintaining and managing services at Duo's co--located hosting facility. Randy is currently working on his RHCE

Randy Nieukirk Colleagues :
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Amy Westerling

Sr. Project Mgr. Please login

Brian Toombs

Interaction Designer Please login

Fred Salchli

CTO Please login

Jaime Smith

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Jason Taylor

Project Mgr. Please login

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