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Profile of Ray Vuono

Ray Vuono

Chmn., CEO, Pres. - MedLink International Inc.
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Company Name : MedLink International Inc.
Company Website : www.medlinkus.com
Company Address : 11 Oval Dr.
Ste. 200B, Islandia, NY,
United States,
Ray Vuono Profile :
Chmn., CEO, Pres. - MedLink International Inc.
Ray Vuono Biography :

Mr. Vuono served as a consultant to the Company from October 2001 until December 2003. On January 1, 2004, Mr. Vuono was appointed Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company. Mr. Vuono has also served as CEO of RayvonVC, a private venture capital firm which invested and managed companies in various lines of business. As part of his duties at RayvonVC, Mr. Vuono served as President of National Support Systems, a national insurance agency group. During his time with National Support Systems, Mr. Vuono assisted in the conversion of agencies around the country to a more automated system of delivering insurance products. Mr. Vuono received a Degree in Economics from the University of Calgary.

Ray Vuono Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Jameson Rose

CFO, Exec. VP Please login

Konrad Kim

Dir., CTO Please login

Michael Carvo

Board Dir. Please login

James Decker

Exec. VP - Sales Please login

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