Raymond J. Zomerfeld, a founding partner in Ocariz, Gitlin & Zomerfeld, brings more than 19 years of experience in helping individuals and companies as a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Valuation Analyst. In addition, he is an expert in litigation support, insurance casualty and economic loss.
A native of Miami, Florida, Mr. Zomerfeld attended the University of Miami, where he earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration in 1981 and a Master�s Degree in Taxation in 1987. He received his state accreditation as a Certified Public Accountant in 1986 and co-founded Ocariz, Gitlin & Zomerfeld with Hiram Ocariz and Mark Gitlin in 1989.
As a Certified Valuation Analyst, Mr. Zomerfeld is a highly regarded expert on claims involving business litigation, windstorm, fire and economic loss, particularly in the commercial printing industry. In addition to his CPA credentials, Mr. Zomerfeld is a Member of The Florida Bar Grievance Committee and the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts, and currently serves on the City of Coral Gables Economic Development Board, the Board of Directors of the Riviera Country Club and the South Florida Golf Foundation.
Practice Areas
Full-service Accounting, Consulting, Taxation and Auditing to commercial printing, wholesale and retail trades, custom furniture manufacturing, construction and professional services; Claims regarding windstorm, fire and economic loss.
Certified Public Accountant, State of Florida, 1986
University of Miami: B.B.A., 1981
University of Miami: M.S., Taxation, 1987
Professional Affiliations
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants
National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts
Member, The Florida Bar Grievance Committee
City of Coral Gables Economic Development Board |