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Profile of Rei Nishimoto

Rei Nishimoto

Staff, Los Angeles - Century Media Records
Rei Nishimoto Email :
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Company Name : Century Media Records
Company Website : www.centurymedia.com
Company Address : 2323 W El Segundo Blvd.
, Hawthorne, CA,
United States,
Rei Nishimoto Profile :
Staff, Los Angeles - Century Media Records
Rei Nishimoto Biography :

* Birth Date and Place

* unknown - it's kept a family secret

* First Album Ever Bought

* it would either be some Duran Duran import or the Police's "Sychronicity" I taped off of my cousin, or Motley Crue's "Shout At the Devil" and Duran Duran's "Rio." Can't remember which came first.

* First Concert Attended

* it was some Michael Jackson show I was dragged to against my will, or Zakk Wylde's Lynard Skynhead (later Pride & Glory) at the Coconut Teaszer. My friends in school were all a bunch of pussies and didn't listen to metal. That's why I didn't go to shows until after I was out of school. So save your condolenses.

* Three Favorite Films

* The Shane's World series; the Action Sports Sex series; Backstage Sluts. I highly recommend movies by Cheyenne Silver, Cassidey, Dayton, and the Vivid Videos roster.

* Three Favorite TV Shows

* WWE Smackdown!; American Idol

* Favorite Foods

* anything that has no meat and won't come back up

* How I Got Started in the Music Business

* I started by writing death metal reviews and interviews for the JC newspaper and even branching out into local entertainment rags. Got kicked out of JC and then began freelance writing and also interning at Priority Records selling gangsta rap to the youth of America. That's where my beginnings of the appreciation of "Jiggerisms" began. Then I later moved on to Noise Records until they shafted me two and a half years later. I spent the next year unemployed until Marco asked me to join the Century Family. How exactly I was drafted in is a bit hazy. Then it went all downhill from there. And yes I do still freelance for a bunch of magazines outside of CM...and yes I am that same dickhead that dissed your band!!!

* When I Started at Century Media

* I can't remember - I'm not good with dates and numbers

* What I Was Doing Prior to Working at Century Media

* My life is one big blur....

* Non-Musical Interests

* please refer to the answer above...

* Pets

* none

* The First Thing I Do After Work Everyday

* Try to forget that today ever existed. Then I stress about deadlines for some magazine, or getting ready to go out to some show to help relieve the stress (which usually doesn't help a whole lot). My life's tied down 24 hours a day. It ain't easy being popular (or a dickhead).

* Dream Date

* my book is open and am scheduling prospects as we speak...

* Things I Hate The Most in the World

* I hate racists, bigots and hate mongers. They are pieces of shit and should be encouraged to die. I also hate bandwagon jumpers - they do not have a brain of their own and need to be beaten. Plus people who keep pushing to bond with me for no apparent reason other than self gratification. I hate that more than life itself. I'll bond with people when I'm good and ready. Otherwise you're not my bitch and the rate you're pushing youself on me, you never will be either.

* Favorite Quote

* You can fuck off and die.

* Most Surreal Rock N' Roll Moment

* I'm a jaded mutherfucker so this shit doesn't happen. People in music are not surreal and this fantasy shit's gotta stop. These people are not any more special than you or me. The real heroes are finding cures for terminal illnesses or fighting for equality for various causes in the world.

* Bands Who Will Soon Rule the Planet

* Fuck bands...I will take over this muthafucka Asian style bitch!!!

* Personal Rantings

* if you read everything above this question, then you'd get the idea. I simply don't like many people and am generally a bitter person. You don't need to tell me this because I already know. And for anyone who has a problem, fuck you anyways. At least I don't hide it.

Rei Nishimoto Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Marco Barbieri

Pres., Los Angeles Please login

Alex Kaehler

Staff, Los Angeles Please login

Andrew Hosner

Mgr. - Sales, Distribution, Los Angeles Please login

Branden Linnell

Dir. - Magic Arts Publishing USA, Los Angeles Please login

Brian Sharp

VP - Internal Operations, Los Angeles Please login

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