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Profile of Rich Seleznov

Rich Seleznov

MD - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Rich Seleznov Email :
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Company Name : Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Company Website : www.huronconsultinggroup.com
Company Address : 550 W Van Buren St.
, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Rich Seleznov Profile :
MD - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Rich Seleznov Biography :

Rich applies more than 20 years of financial and management experience to improving the business performance of law departments and law firms through process improvement and the use of technology. His focus areas include strategic and technology planning business process reviews technology assessments benchmarking project management technology implementations and cost reduction initiatives.

Professional Experience

Prior to joining Huron Rich was a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Previous to becoming a consultant in 1998 Rich directed the Business and Technology Operations for Exxon's Law Department with responsibility for financial processes information technology human resources litigation support and the management of 150 non-attorney personnel.

Representative examples of Rich's engagement experience include:

Led a leading software company initiative to develop a strategic plan for implementing a department-wide approach for leveraging technology and improving business processes for a 650-person law department. The strategic planning was followed by a number of specific implementation projects. The newly adopted processes helped the department achieve significant operational efficiencies and reduce costs through improved processes.

Provided subject matter expertise and led a project to transform the legal function of a diversified energy company as part of an overall corporate initiative to transform all operating and functional departments. The project included client surveys and an evaluation of the processes associated with the delivery of legal services. The project resulted in a number of recommendations designed to improve the organization's structure processes and the use of technology. The project helped improve service and better align the legal function to the needs of a diversified company growing rapidly through acquisition.

Led a project for the General Counsel of a leading communications solutions company to identify opportunities to improve the financial and administrative processes with a focus towards meeting the information needs of lawyers and the business units. He assisted in the reorganization of the administrative group and the redesign of processes resulting in improved financial management and reporting.

Facilitated a strategic planning initiative for the law department of an aerospace manufacturer. In addition to a vision and mission statement the plan included specific goals an implementation plan benchmarking data and metrics designed to measure improvement.

Managed a project for a large computer manufacturer to select and implement a matter management system throughout the law department. The effort included the design and implementation of re-engineered business processes including an electronic billing solution.

Implemented an enterprise-wide document management system designed to improve the management of corporate documents. The system enabled the management of very large document repositories while improving compliance with retention and destruction requirements.

Managed a comprehensive technology assessment and planning engagement for a leading law firm of 700 lawyers. Key elements of the assessment included interviews and surveys; benchmarking; an analysis of systems; an evaluation of IT management; and development of a new approach to IT governance planning management and communications.

Education & Certifications

Bachelor of Science Accounting Pennsylvania State University

Certified Public Accountant Texas

Certified Internal Auditor

Professional Associations

American Bar Association

Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Speaking Engagements

Conducted seminars on Best Practices for Global Law Departments

Speaker at LegalTech and other programs

Rich Seleznov Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Gary Holdren

Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

Gary Burge

VP, CFO, Treasurer Please login

Daniel Broadhurst

VP, COO Please login

Natalia Delgado

VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Wayne Lipski

Controller, Assist. Treasurer Please login

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