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Profile of Rich Tong

Rich Tong

Board Dir. - mFoundry Inc.
Rich Tong Email :
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Company Name : mFoundry Inc.
Company Website : www.mfoundry.com
Company Address : 10 Liberty Ship Way
No. 310, Sausalito, CA,
United States,
Rich Tong Profile :
Board Dir. - mFoundry Inc.
Rich Tong Biography :

Rich is a founding partner of Ignition. He invests in telecommunications and wireless as well as end-user/consumer-facing companies.Rich is also the co-author of the bestselling, acclaimed new book, The Marketing Playbook.Prior to Ignition, Rich spent 12 years at Microsoft where he most recently served as Vice President of Marketing for MS Office and BackOffice. He was responsible for business branding, advertising and pricing for the MS Office and BackOffice family of products, contributing to a $2 billion revenue stream and driving Windows NT and Exchange to become #1 in Microsoft's unit sales. He oversaw the purchase and integration of over 20 different companies and technologies into the Microsoft enterprise software family.Rich built and led the marketing teams for Windows, NT, Exchange, SQL Server, BackOffice and Internet server, and managed over 250 people. His team's efforts catapulted Windows from a $50 million to $500 million business in two years. He also developed key business partnerships with Lotus, Intel, 3Com, Compaq, Dell and others.

Rich Tong Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Drew Sievers

Chmn., Co - Founder, CEO Please login

Rodney Aiglstorfer

Co - Founder, CTO Please login

Kim Vogel

CFO Please login

John Pizzi

COO Please login

Carlo Cardilli

Sr. VP - Sales, Business Development Please login

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