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Profile of Richard Desjardins

Richard Desjardins

Sr. Consulting Partne - Software Quality Center LLC
Richard Desjardins Email :
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Company Name : Software Quality Center LLC
Company Website : www.sqcglobal.com
Company Address : 4803 W Ponderosa Ln.
, Glendale, AZ,
United States,
Richard Desjardins Profile :
Sr. Consulting Partne - Software Quality Center LLC
Richard Desjardins Biography :

Richard has an experience of over twenty-two years in all aspects of Software Engineering. He has been a manager of a various software development groups including an operating system department of more than 50 engineers and managers. He also is a leading authority in the ISO 9001 standards, the Software Engineering Institute's Capability Maturity Model, and other models for software quality. Richard is also an IRCA certified provisional auditor for the ISO 9000 series, and a trained analyst for SPR's Checkpoint methodology and DCG's Predictor assessment techniques.

Richard has been the creator and teacher of numerous courses including:

Quality Assurance Reviews/Audits

Testing Techniques

Introduction to the Software Engineering Institute's Capability

Maturity Model

Work Product Inspections and many more

Richard was the first individual in the world to compare the ISO 9001 and the SEI's CMM model; he also published a paper in that respect. He has also been a Presenter at number of quality conferences including the First International Conference on ISO 9000, the SEI's 6th and 7th Annual National SEPG Meeting, ASM' 96 and '97, IFPUG and STAR' 98.

Richard Desjardins Colleagues :
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Kris Puthucode

Pres., CEO Please login

Sahana Kris

Dir., CFO Please login

R. Vishwanath

VP - Business Development, Strategy Please login

Peter Clark

Sr. Consulting Partner Please login

Joselyn Capistrano

Sr. Consulting Partner Please login

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