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Profile of Richard Einhorn

Richard Einhorn

Pres. - EYP Mission Critical Facilities Inc.
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Company Name : EYP Mission Critical Facilities Inc.
Company Website : www.eypmcf.com
Company Address : 440 Pk. Ave. S
16th Fl., New York, NY,
United States,
Richard Einhorn Profile :
Pres. - EYP Mission Critical Facilities Inc.
Richard Einhorn Biography :

Rick Einhorn serves as the President of EYP MCF and in addition largely oversees the operation of the Marketing and Business Development departments. A goal for EYP MCF is to make the EYP Mission Critical Facilities brand name synonymous with mission critical technology strategy, design, operations and maintenance. His focus on marketing and maintaining EYP MCF's position as an industry leader is an integral part of the growth of EYP MCF. Current initiatives involve increasing the firm's brand in international markets and launching new service offerings focused on Energy and Technology Strategy. Rick joined Einhorn Yaffee Prescott, Architecture and Engineering in 1997 and transferred his skills to EYP MCF when the firm reorganized in 2001. Rick earned his B.A. from Syracuse University and his MBA from Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management. Rick's previous experience includes work as an Associate Consultant for Transitions Optical, Albany International Corporation and as a Legislative Assistant handling telecommunications and technology issues for a U.S. Representative in Washington, D.C. Rick currently serves on the ACE Mentoring Board of NYC.

Richard Einhorn Colleagues :
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Steven Einhorn

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Peter Gross

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Joseph Mangan

Vice Chmn. Please login

Kfir Godrich

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Richard Glickman

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