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Profile of Richard Gauthier

Richard Gauthier

Respected Consultant, Exec. Coach - Linkage Inc.
Richard Gauthier Email :
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Company Name : Linkage Inc.
Company Website : www.linkageinc.com
Company Address : 16 New England Executive Pk.
Ste. 205, Burlington, MA,
United States,
Richard Gauthier Profile :
Respected Consultant, Exec. Coach - Linkage Inc.
Richard Gauthier Biography :

Richard Gauthier is a highly-skilled and respected consultant and executive coach with more than twenty-five years of experience in organizational development, leadership, marketing and communications.

As a consultant, Richard has addressed a wide spectrum of customer challenges in leadership, customer satisfaction and retention, change management, management development, alignment and total quality. Richard's extensive experience and versatility enables him to apply his expertise to a broad range of senior- and middle-level management groups across many different industries. He is also on the faculty of Linkage's Master Level Executive Coaching Certification Program.

Prior to joining Linkage, Richard worked at ODI as a Vice President and worldwide leader of ODI's Voice of the Customer practice. As practice leader for customer focus, Richard worked with clients to develop customer-focus strategies and standards, achieve breakthroughs in customer service and enhance profitability through customer loyalty and retention. Richard has also held senior positions in corporate communications and public relations at Digital Equipment Corporation, the Gillette Company and Wang Laboratories. He has published articles in a variety of publications and has been a guest speaker at Boston College, Boston University and MIT's Sloan School of Management.

Richard Gauthier Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Phil Harkins

Chmn., CEO Please login

Todd Langton

Pres. Please login

David Giber

Sr. VP Please login

Andy Goodman

Exec. VP, Talent Management Please login

Christine Hizny

Dir., Training Group Please login

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