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Profile of Robert Waldron

Robert Waldron

Sr. VP, Pres. - Yoplait - Colombo - General Mills Inc.
Robert Waldron Email :
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Company Name : General Mills Inc.
Company Website : www.generalmills.com
Company Address : PO Box 9452
, Minneapolis, MN,
United States,
Robert Waldron Profile :
Sr. VP, Pres. - Yoplait - Colombo - General Mills Inc.
Robert Waldron Biography :

As president of the Yoplait Division, Bob Waldron has responsibility for the fast-growing yogurt business of General Mills. It is a division that includes the category leader, Yoplait, and its mix of products, as well as regional Colombo yogurt products.

Waldron joined General Mills in 1990 and has held various marketing positions throughout the company, including the Meals, Baking and Big G cereal divisions.

In 1997, he joined the International Division as a vice president of marketing for International Dessert Partners, a joint venture with Bestfoods that focused on dessert mixes for Latin America. He then became marketing director in the Big G Cereal and Meals divisions. He was named a corporate officer of General Mills in 2000. Bob was president of Yoplait from 2002 until 2006.

Waldron received a bachelor�s degree in industrial management and mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1985. He also earned an MBA in marketing and finance from the University of Chicago�s Graduate School of Business in 1990.

Robert Waldron Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Marc Belton

Exec. VP - Worldwide Health, Brand, New Business Development Please login

Christopher O'Leary

COO, Exec. VP - International Please login

Heidi Miller

Board Dir. Please login

John MacHuzick

Sr. VP, Pres. - Bakeries, Foodservice Division Please login

Jeffrey Rotsch

Exec. VP - Worldwide Sales, Channel Development Please login

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