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Profile of Robert Cary

Robert Cary

Administrator - Lynchburg - Virginia Department of Transportation
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Company Name : Virginia Department of Transportation
Company Website : www.virginiadot.org
Company Address : 1401 E. Broad St.
, Richmond, VA,
United States,
Robert Cary Profile :
Administrator - Lynchburg - Virginia Department of Transportation
Robert Cary Biography :

Robert H. Cary, a 15-year employee of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), became the Lynchburg district administrator in October 2007.

He oversees VDOT�s construction, maintenance and operations for approximately 15,000 miles of primary and secondary highways in a 10-county district that includes the cities of Danville and Lynchburg.

He also oversees approximately 650 employees.

Following graduation from college, Cary joined William H. Gordon and Associates of Woodbridge as a staff engineer and surveyor.

In 1992, he became a transportation engineer and later, location and design engineer in VDOT�s Staunton District.

Prior to joining the Lynchburg staff, he was the assistant Salem District engineer for preliminary engineering.


Cary holds a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from Virginia Tech, where he is current working toward a master�s in civil and environmental engineering.

He is also a graduate of VDOT�s Executive Leadership Program and is a registered professional engineer and licensed surveyor.


American Association of State Highway Officials� (AASHTO) technical committee of preconstruction engineering (chairman), and member of AASHTO�s subcommittee on design.


Born in Boston, Mass., Cary spent much of his childhood in Northern Virginia.

He has worked in Northern Virginia and the Shenandoah and Roanoke valleys. He is married and has two children.

Interests and Hobbies

Cary enjoys photography, sailing, sports and actively participates in his children�s activities.

Robert Cary Colleagues :
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Gregory Whirley

Chief Dep. Commissioner Please login

Gary Allen

Chief - Technology, Research, Innovation Please login

Meredith Baker

Chief - Organizational Development Please login

Reta Busher

CFO Please login

Jeffrey Caldwell

Chief - Communications Please login

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