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Profile of Robert Demay

Robert Demay

Attorney - Leonard Street & Deinard
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Company Name : Leonard Street & Deinard
Company Website : www.leonard.com
Company Address : 150 S 5th St.
Ste. 2300, Minneapolis, MN,
United States,
Robert Demay Profile :
Attorney - Leonard Street & Deinard
Robert Demay Biography :

Bob DeMay focuses his practice in antitrust, franchise and dealer litigation, trade regulation and unfair competition. Bob served as local counsel for Microsoft Corporation in a class-action lawsuit alleging that Microsoft violated the Minnesota antitrust statutes by virtue of alleged monopolization of the market for operating software for Intel-based personal computers. In one high-profile merger case, Bob defeated the Minnesota Attorney General�s challenge to a non-compete agreement that was a key component of a business acquisition. He also has successfully defended major state trade secrets litigation, major federal white collar crime investigation and prosecution, a state civil penalty action alleging price fixing, and a major action under the Robinson-Patman Act. He has also successfully prosecuted and defended dealer termination and fraud claims by and against major manufacturers.

Bob serves as an arbitrator in trade regulation and franchise disputes before the American Arbitration Association. He is a frequent lecturer on antitrust, distribution and contract law topics, has been named among The Best Lawyers in America in the area of commercial litigation and has been recognized as a Super Lawyer� by Minnesota Law & Politics magazine.


Member, American Bar Association, Antitrust Section

Member, Minnesota State Bar Association

Member, Hennepin County Bar Association


J.D., magna cum laude, University of Minnesota Law School, 1978

B.A. University of St. Thomas, 1968


State of Minnesota

U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota

U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Seventh and Eighth Circuits

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