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Profile of Robert Theriot

Robert Theriot

Attorney - Liskow & Lewis
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Company Name : Liskow & Lewis
Company Website : www.liskow.com
Company Address : 701 Poydras St.
Ste. 5000, New Orleans, LA,
United States,
Robert Theriot Profile :
Attorney - Liskow & Lewis
Robert Theriot Biography :

A founding member of the firm�s Houston office, Mr. Theriot works in the areas of energy litigation, energy transactions, and commercial litigation.Mr. Theriot handles matters before state and federal courts in Texas and Louisiana, and is also experienced in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. His litigation experience includes a wide range of oil and gas, upstream, midstream, and downstream disputes, and various general commercial disputes. Because of his experience in these areas, he is often called upon by clients for advice and counsel in various areas of energy law transactions and business practices.Some of his recent work includes:Successfully defended two clients on a claim for fraud in connection with the sale of oil and gas working interests in Yoakum County, obtaining a zero verdict after trial in Harris County district court. Defending a major oil and gas company from multiple class actions asserting royalty underpayment on natural gas and deductions, currently pending in Louisiana federal court. Called upon to take over the defense of an international oil and gas company after a series of adverse rulings in Willacy County state court in a case involving disputed participation rights in a oil and gas prospect. Was able to help the client overcome these setbacks and reach a position where it could negotiate a beneficial financial resolution. Successfully challenged and vacated an injunction issued against his client in a professional employment and non-compete dispute in Harris County district court.Successfully defended a claim against a major oil company for breach of a proposed sale of O.C.S. properties, obtaining a summary judgment for the client in Western District of Louisiana. Asked by an independent oil and gas company to prepare and negotiate long-term contracts for pipeline and transportation agreements necessary to develop new production in LaSalle and McMullen Counties. Prepared NAESB purchase contracts for the fuel and feedstock requirements of a major industrial company.Assisted an independent oil and gas company in preparing pipeline agreements for their Columbian oil concession.Representing a major independent exploration company in litigation over operating rights in a jointly-operated oil & gas field.Due diligence and financing work for a foreign bank extending credit to a Texas producer.

Robert Theriot Colleagues :
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