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Profile of Robert Goldstein

Robert Goldstein

Chmn., CEO - Alter Trading Corp.
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Company Name : Alter Trading Corp.
Company Website : www.altertrading.com
Company Address : 689 Craig Rd.
, St. Louis, MO,
United States,
Robert Goldstein Profile :
Chmn., CEO - Alter Trading Corp.
Robert Goldstein Biography :

Robert S. Goldstein, Chairman and C.E.O., has been with Alter Trading Corporation and its affiliates since 1977 with responsibilities in numerous operating and marketing positions. Mr. Goldstein has served as President of Alter Trading Corporation since 1989. Additionally, Mr. Goldstein is an officer and director of affiliated transportation businesses involved in barge transportation along the inland waterway, trucking, stevedoring and warehousing. Mr. Goldstein also serves as a member of the board of directors of the Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ: ISLE). Additionally he serves as a member of Bettendorf Riverfront Development Corporation. Mr. Goldstein is a 1977 graduate of Tulane University with a B.S. degree in economics.

Robert Goldstein Colleagues :
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Keith Rhodes

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Robert Stein

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Steve Soltis

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Rex Wood

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