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Profile of Robert Harra

Robert Harra

Pres., COO - Wilmington Trust Corp.
Robert Harra Email :
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Company Name : Wilmington Trust Corp.
Company Website : https://www.wilmingtontrust.com
Company Address : 1100 N Market St.
Rodney Sq. N, Wilmington, DE,
United States,
Robert Harra Profile :
Pres., COO - Wilmington Trust Corp.
Robert Harra Biography :

Bob joined Wilmington Trust in 1971 and has held many key positions that have been focused on developing and growing many facets of our business. During his tenure with the company, he has specialized in all aspects of commercial and personal financial services. He was named President and Chief Operating Officer in 1996. In addition to his responsibilities as President and Chief Operating Officer, Bob also oversees all banking activities for the company.

Bob holds a bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Delaware. He is an active community leader and currently serves as Chairman of the State of Delaware Council on Banking. Bob is past President of the Delaware Bankers Association and past Chairman of the Grand Opera House. He is currently a board member of the Delaware Business Roundtable, The Salvation Army, Wesley College, United Way of Delaware, the Riverfront Development Corporation, Hagley Museum & Library, the Delaware Bankers Association, and AAA Mid-Atlantic.

Robert Harra Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Ted Cecala

Chmn., CEO Please login

Kevyn Rakowski

Sr. VP, Controller Please login

Donald Foley

Board Dir. Please login

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