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Profile of Robert Keith

Robert Keith

Member - Advisory Board - Audiology Online Inc.
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Robert Keith Profile :
Member - Advisory Board - Audiology Online Inc.
Robert Keith Biography :

Robert W. Keith, Ph.D.

Professor of Audiology University of Cincinnati Medical Center

Cincinnati, OH

Professor of Audiology

M.A.: University of Iowa (Speech Pathology and Audiology)

Ph.D.: University of Iowa (Speech Pathology and Audiology)

Clinical Expertise: Audiology

Dr. Keith is Professor of Audiology in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. He is an active member of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), serving as President from 1994-1995. In addition from 1986-1993 he was Editor-in-Chief of Ear and Hearing, the official journal of the American Auditory Society. In 1999 he was appointed chair of the AAA Honors Committee and was also elected to the American Board of Audiology. He is a national and international authority on central auditory disorders, and has presented his findings to scientific societies on both the national and international levels.


1. SCAN: A Screening Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children, R.W. Keith

(Ed.). San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation, 1986.

2. Auditory Continuous Performance Test (ACPT), R.W. Keith (Ed.). San Antonio:

The Psychological Corporation, 1993.

3 SCAN - A: A Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Adolescence and Adults. R. W.

Keith, San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation, 1993.

4. AFT-R Auditory Fusion Test Revised, Robert McCroskey and R.W. Keith, Auditec of

St. Louis, 1996.

5. SCAN-C Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children-Revised, R.W. Keith (Ed.). San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation, 1999.


1. 'Hearing Aid Evaluation Procedures in Children,' K.G. Donnelly (Ed.), Hearing Aid

Technology, Chapter 6. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1973.

2. 'Use of Low Pass Noise in Word Recognition Testing,' with R. Cohen, Seminars in

Hearing, Vol. 19, pp. 48-54 (1976).

3. 'Synthetic Sentence Identification,' R.W. Keith (Ed.), Central Auditory Dysfunction,

Chapter 3. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1977.

4. 'Auditory Perceptual Problems in Children,' R.W. Keith (Ed.) and J.L. Northern (Ed.-in-

Chief), Seminars in Speech, Language and Hearing. New York: Brian C. Decker, 1980.

5. 'Central Hearing Tests,' N. Lass, L.V. McReynolds, J.L. Northern, and D.E. Yoder

(Eds.), Speech, Language and Hearing, Chapter 27. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1982; Second Edition, 1986.

6. 'The Audiological Evaluation,' J.L. Northern (Ed.), Hearing Disorders, Chapter 2.

Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1974; Second Edition, 1984.

7. 'Tests of Central Auditory Function,' R.J. Roeser and M.P. Downs (Eds.), Auditory

Disorders in School Children, Chapter 9. New York: Brian C. Decker, 1981; Second

Edition, 1986.

8. 'Dichotic Listening in Children,' D. Beasley (Ed.), Audition in Children: Methods of

Study. San Diego: College-Hill Press, 1984.

9. 'Physiological Responses in Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases,' J.

Jacobson (Ed.), The Auditory Brainstem Response. San Diego: College-Hill Press,

1984. Second Edition, 1991.

10. 'Central Auditory Tests,' J. Northern (Ed.), Chapter in Handbook of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Philadelphia: B.C. Decker Inc., 1987.

12. 'Tests of Central Auditory Function,' R.J. Roeser and M.P. Downs (Eds.),

Auditory Disorders in School Children. Revised Second Edition, 1988.

13. 'Vestibular Physiology and Clinical Testing,' with M.L. Pensak, K.J. Lee (Ed.), Textbook of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing, 1989.

14. 'Auditory Testing and Remediation,' with M.L. Pensak, K.J. Lee (Ed.), Textbook of

Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing, 1989.

15. 'Screening for Auditory Disorders - Psychiatric Hospital.' Proceedings of the International Symposium on Screening Children for Auditory Function. With J. Marlow, T. Engels, In Press 1991.

16. 'Central Auditory Disorders', with Susan Jerger, Ph.D., John Jacobson and Jerry L. Northern (Eds.), Diagnostic Audiology. Austin, TX, pro.ed, 1991.

17. 'Evoked Potentials in Multiple Sclerosis and other Demyelinating Diseases'. with John T. Jacobson, Ph.D. Principles and Applications of Auditory Evoked Potentials. Allyn and Bacon, 1993.

19. 'Central Auditory Testing', Jackler, R and Brackman D (Eds.), Neurotology, Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, MO, 1994.

20. 'Cranial Nerve Monitoring' with Aukse Bankaitis, M.A., CCC-A, Douglas Beck, (Ed). Handbook of Intraoperative Monitoring, Singular Publishing, 1994

21. 'Tests of Central Auditory Processing.' Robert W. Keith, Ph.D., Auditory Disorders in School Children, 3rd Edition, R. Roeser an M. Downs, (Ed), Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc, New York, 1994.

22. 'Central Auditory Processing', Chapter in Clinical Otology, Hughes and Pensak (Eds)., Thieme Stratton Pub, 1995.

23. 'The Audiologic Evaluation', Chapter in Hearing Disorders , Jerry L. Northern, (Ed.), Allyn and Bacon Publishers, 1995.

24. 'Diagnosing Central Auditory Processing Disorders in Children' Robert W. Keith, Ph.D., Chapter 17 in Audiology: Diagnosis, Treatment Strategies, and Practice Management, Roeser R., Hosford- Dunn H. and Valente M. (Eds.), Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers, New York, 1999.

25. 'How Behavioral Tests of Central Auditory Processing Influence Management' RW Keith and Rebekah L. Fallis. Chapter 10 Children with Hearing Impairment: Contemporary Trends, Fred Bess, (Ed.), Bill Wilkerson Center Press, Nashville, TN, 1998.

26. 'Clincal Testing in Audiology' Chapter in Essentials of Otolaryngology, Seiden A, Tami T, Pensak M, Gluckman J and Cotton R (Eds.), Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, Submitted on March 17, 1999.

27. 'Central Auditory Processing Disorder', Chapter in Pediatric Audiological Medicine, Keith RW, Newton VE (Ed.), Whurr Publishers Limited, London, Submitted July 25, 1999.


1. 'Problems and Techniques in Testing Hearing of Infants and Very Young Children,' Audecibel, 12: 4 (1963). Reprinted inTennessee Observer, Vol. 87, p. 6 (1964), Tennessee School for the Deaf.

2. 'Procedural Variables in Influencing Estimation of Differential Thresholds for Frequency,' with R.G. Daniloff, T.J. Glattke, and A.M. Small, Jr., Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 36, p. 9 (1964).

3. A Review of Hearing Tests for Preschool Children,' Journal of Iowa Speech and Hearing Association, Fall/Winter 1965.

4. 'Remote Masking for Listeners with Cochlear Impairment,' with C.V. Anderson, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 46 (2), pp. 393-398 (1969).

5. 'A General Orientation to Rubella,' Speech Reader, Spring 1969.

6. 'Audiometric Evaluation of Patients with Severe Head Injury,' Otolaryngology Clinics of North America, pp. 449-464, June 1969.

7. 'The Use of Noise in Speech Audiometry,' with H.P. Talis, Journal of Auditory Research Vol. 10, pp. 201-204 (1970).

8. 'Impedance Audiometry with Neonates,' Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol. 97, pp. 465-467 (1973). Abstract printed in Journal of the American Medical Association.

9. 'Obtaining a Seal,' Impedance Newsletter, Vol. 2 (2), July 1973.

10. 'Middle Ear Function of Neonates,' Pediatric Research, Vol. 8 (4), p. 447 (1974).

11. 'Impedance Audiometry and the Physician.' Published by invitation of Royal Industries, Audiotone Division, 1974.

12. 'Applications of Impedance Audiometry with Children,' Hearing Instruments, Vol. 25 (2), February 1974.

13. 'Middle Ear Function of Neonates,' Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol. 101, pp. 376-379 (1975).

14. 'Some Relationships Between Loudness and the Acoustic Reflex,' with T. Dudich and M. Keiser, Impedance Bulletin: A Journal of Impedance Audiometry, Vol. 4, pp. 12-15 (1975).

15. 'Impedance Audiometry as a Screening Method with Multiply Handicapped Children,' with K.P. Murphy and F. Martin,Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences, Vol. 1, pp. 221-224 (1976).

16. 'Impedance Measures in the Newborn,' G.T. Mencher (Ed.), Early Identification of Hearing Loss, Basel-S. Karger, 1976.

17. 'An Evaluation of Methods of Predicting Hearing Loss from the Acoustic Reflex,' Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol. 103, pp. 419-424 (1977).

18. 'Acoustic Reflex Measurements in Children with Cerebral Palsy,' with K.P. Murphy and F. Martin, Folia Phoniatrica, Vol. 29 (4), pp. 311-314 (1978).

19. 'An Effect of Linguistic Experience: Auditory Word Discrimination by Native and Non-Native Speakers of English,' with I.B. Gat, Audiology, Vol. 17, pp. 339-346 (1978).

20. 'New Ideas in Hearing Aid Fitting,' with H.L. Sininger, Hearing Aid Instruments, June 978, pp. 6-8 and 34.

21. 'Stapedial Reflex in Neonates,' Scandinavian Audiology, Vol. 7, pp. 187-191 (1978).

22. 'Loudness and the Acoustic Reflex: Normal Hearing Listeners,'Journal of American Auditory Society, Vol. 4, pp. 152-156 (1979).

23. 'Effects of Middle Ear Dysfunction and Disease on Hearing and Language in High-Risk Infants,' with J.W. Thelin, K.K. Novak and W.J. Keenan, International Journal of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Vol. 1, pp. 125-136 (1979).

24. 'Effects of Chronic Middle Ear Effusion on Speech and Language Development: A Descriptive Study,' with M.D. Lehmann, K.H. Charron and A.W. Kummer, International Journal of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Vol. 1, pp. 136-144 (1979).

25. 'Loudness and the Acoustic Reflex in Cochlear-Impaired Listeners,' Journal of American Auditory Society, Vol. 5, pp. 65-70 (1979).

26. 'An Acoustic Reflex Technique of Establishing Hearing Aid Settings,' Journal of American Auditory Society, Vol. 5, pp. 71-75 (1979).

27 'Hypermobility of the Incudostapedial Joint: A Clinical Entity,' with G.W. Miller, M.D. Laryngoscope, Vol. 89, pp. 1943-1950 (1979).

28. Filtered WordTesting in the Assessment of Children's Central Auditory Abilities,' with S.M. Farrer, Ear and Hearing, Vol. 2, pp. 267-269 (1981).

29. 'Auditory Processing Abilities in Children with Previous Middle Ear Effusion,' with K. Hofmann-Lawless and R.T. Cotton, Annals of Otolaryngology, Vol. 90, pp. 543-545 (1981).

30. 'On the Clinical Signs of the Affections of the Auditory Nerve,' by Professor G. Gradenigo with an Introduction by R.W. Keith, American Journal of Otology, Vol. 5, pp. 76-78 (1983).

31. 'Relationship Between Two Dichotic Listening Tests and the Token Test for Children,' with V.L. Harris and K.K. Novak, Ear and Hearing, Vol. 4, pp. 278-282 (1983).

32. 'Interpretation of the Staggered Spondee Word (SSW) Test,' Ear and Hearing, Vol. 4 (6), pp. 287-292 (1983).

33. Editor, Special Issue on Dichotic Listening, Ear and Hearing, Vol. 4 (6), November/December 1983.

34. 'Auditory Brainstem Response Testing in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit,' with A.F. Jabre and K. Heerse, Seminars in Hearing, Vol. 4, pp. 385-389 (1983).

35. 'Central Auditory Dysfunction: A Language Disorder?,' Topics in Language Disorders, Vol. 4, pp. 48-56 (1984).

36. 'Relationships Between Tests of Central Auditory Function and Receptive Language,'

with K. Novak, Seminars in Hearing, Vol. 5, pp. 243-250 (1984).

37 'Performance of Adults on Directed Listening Tasks Using a Dichotic CV Test,' Ear and Hearing, Vol. 6, pp. 270-273 (1985).

38. 'An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Identification and Assessment of Auditory Processing Disorders,' with E. Stromberg, Journal of Childhood Communication Disorders, Vol. 9, pp. 15-30 (1985).

39. 'Central Auditory Testing: Some Ongoing Questions,' Human Communication(Canada), Vol. 9, pp. 145-150 (1985).

40. 'The Effects of Linguistic Background on SSW and Dichotic CV Scores,' with S. Tawfik, B. Katbamna and L. Smolak, British Journal of Audiology, Vol. 20 (4), May 1986.

41. 'Research in Otolaryngology,' Invited Editorial, The American Journal of Otology, Vol.

7 (3), (1986).

42. 'Use of the Neodymium/Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser in Middle Ear Surgery: A Preliminary Report,' with C. Myer and G.W. Miller, The American Journal of Otology, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 38-40 (1986).

43. 'Acoustic Reflex Dynamics and Auditory Brainstem Responses in Multiple Sclerosis,' with Y. Holquin, L. Smolak and M. Pensak, The American Journal of Otology, Vol. 8 (5), pp. 406-413 (September 1987).

44. 'The Effect of Linguistic Background on Staggered Spondaic Word and Dichotic Consonant Vowel Scores,' with B. Katbamna, S. Tawfik and L. Smolak, British Journal of Audiology, Vol. 21, pp. 21-26 (1987).

45. 'An Assessment Technique for Children with Auditory-Language Processing Problems,' with D. Sanger and B. Maher, Journal of Communication Disorders, Vol. 20, pp. 265-280 (1987).

46. 'Hearing in Children,' T. Husen and T.N. Postelthwaite (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford, England: Pergamon, 1985. Reprinted in Encyclopedia of Human Development and Education, R.M. Thomas (Ed.), Pergamon Books, 1988.

47. 'Effects of Early Hearing Impairment on Childhood Development,' Scandinavian Audiology, Supplement 30 (1988).

48. 'Neuroaudiologic Abnormalities in Patients with Type 1 Neuro- fibromatosis,' with M. Pensak, P. St. John Dignan, D. Stowans, R. Towbin and B. Katbamna, Laryngoscope, Vol. 99, pp. 702-706 (July 1989).

49. 'Auditory Processing Abilities in Children with Learning Disabilities: A Pilot Study,' with B. Katbamna and J. Johnson, Hearsay, Fall/Winter, pp. 125-131. (1990).

50. 'Comparison of Spoken Language Samples in Auditory-Language Processing and Normal Children,' with D. Sanger and M.J. Morris, The Rocky Mountain Journal of Communication Disorders, Vol. 5, pp. 3-9 (Fall 1989).

51 'Effectiveness of Intervention in Children with Auditory Processing Disorders,' with D. Sanger, B. Maher, S. Rucksdashel and T. Fortune, The Clinical Connection, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 8-9 (Winter 1989).

52 'Comparison of SCAN Results with Other Auditory and Language Measures in a Clinical Population,' with J. Rudy, P. Donahue and B. Katbamna, Ear and Hearing, Vol. 10 (6), pp. 382-386 (1989).

53. 'Language Learning Disabilities: A Central Auditory Perspective', Hearsay, p. 80-87,

(Fall/Winter 1990).

54. 'Management of the Acoustic Neuroma in an Only Hearing Ear', with M. Pensak, J. Tew, and H. VanLoveren, Skull Base Surgery Journal, Vol.1 (2), pp. 93-96 (April, 1990).

55. 'Prediction of Bithermal Caloric Response from Monothermal Stimulation', with M. Pensak and B. Katbamna, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 104 (4), pp.499-502 (Apr., 1991).

56. 'Lead Effects on Postural Balance of Children', with A. Bhattacharya, R. Shukla, R. Bornschein, and K. Dietrich, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 89, pp. 35-42 (1990).

57. 'A Comparison of the SSW and Language Test Results', with D. Sanger, I. Deshayes, and P. Stevens, Journal of Communication Disorders, (1990).

58. 'Somatosensory Cortical Evoked Potentials: A Review of 100 Cases of Intraoperative Spinal Surgery Monitoring', with J. Stambough and S. Awender, Journal of Spinal Disorders, Vol. 3 (3), pp. 220-226 (1990).

59. 'Central Auditory Function', with M. Pensak, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Vol. 24 (2), pp. 371-379 (April, 1991).

60. 'Evaluation of Cochlear Function in a Patient With 'Far Advanced' Otosclerosis,' with T. J. Kereiakes, J. Willging, J. Devine, The American Journal of Otology, Vol 13, pp 347-349, 1992.

61. 'Effects of Methylphenidate on Auditory Processing Abilities of Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder,' with P. Engineer, The Journal of Learning Disabilities, Vol. 24, pp. 630-636 (December, 1991).

62. 'Neuropsychologic and Postural Sway Improvement Following Ca++ - Edtachelation for Mild Lead Intoxication,' with D. Linz, E. Barrett, J. Pflaumer, Journal of Occupational Medicine, Vol. 34, pp.638-641 (September 1991).

63. 'Lead Exposure and the Central Auditory Processing Abilities and Cognitive Development of Urban Children: The Cincinnati Lead Study Cohort at Age 5 Years,' with K. N. Dietrich, P. A. Succop, O. G. Berger, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, Vol. 14, pp. 51-56 (1992).

64. 'Cranial Nerve Monitoring Beyond the Facial and Auditory Nerves', Aukse E. Bankaitis, M.A., CCC-A, and R.W. Keith, Ph.D., Seminars in Hearing, Vol. 14, pp. 161-169 (May, 1993).

65. 'Intraoperative Monitoring of the auditory brainstem response and facial nerve', Robert W. Keith, Ph.D. and Aukse E. Bankaitis, M.A., CCC-A Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, Volume 1 No.1, pp. 64-71 (Oct. 1993).

66. 'Effects of occupational exposure to organic solvents and noise on hearing'. Thais Morata, Ph.D., Derek E. Dunn, Ph.D., Laura Kretschmer, EdD, Grace K. LeMasters, Ph.D., Robert W. Keith, Ph.D. Scandanavian Journal Work Enviromental Health, Vol 19, pp 245-54. (1993).

67. 'A Continuing role for Retrosigmoid Suboccipital Approach in Acoustic Schwannoma', Ashraf Gobashy, M.D., Harry Van Loveren, M.D., Robert W. Keith, Ph.D., Myles L. Pensak, M.D., John M. Tew, Jr., M.D., Journal of Neurosurgery, submitted (1993)(not published)

68. 'Intraoperative facial nerve monitoring in chronic ear surgery: A resident training experience'. Myles L. Pensak, M.D., Jay Paul Willging, M.D., Robert W. Keith, Ph.D. The American Journal of Otology, Vol 15, No.1 pp108-110 (1994)

69. 'Intraoperative monitoring of the vagus nerve during intracranial glossopharyngeal and upper vagal rhizotomy'. Jamal M. Taha, M.D., John M. Tew, M.D., Robert W. Keith, Ph.D. and Troy Payner, M.D. Neurosurgery, Jan 1994.

70. 'Predictability of recovery from Bell's Palsy Using Evoked Electromyography (EEMG)' Robert W. Keith, Ph.D., Myles L. Pensak, M.D., Pradeep Sinha, M.D. American Journal of Otology, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp 769-771, 1994.

71. 'Transpetrosal access to Meningiomas Juxtaposing the Temporal Bone', with Myles L. Pensak, M.D., Harry Van Loveren, M.D., John M. Tew, M.D., Laryngoscope, Vol. 104, No. 7, July 1994.

72. 'Development and Standardization of SCAN-A:Test of Auditory Processing Disorders in Adolescents and Adults', Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, Volume 6, Number 4, July, 1995.

73. 'Proximal-to-distal facial amplitude ratios as predictors of facial nerve function after acoustic neuroma excision' with Jamal Taha, M.D., John M. Tew, M.D. Journal of Neurosurgery, Volume 83, pp 994-998 December 1995.

74. 'Validity of the auditory continuous performance test in differentiating central processing auditory disorders with and without ADHD.', with C. Riccio, M. Cohen, G. Hynd, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 561-566, September 1996.

75. 'Scan-A performances and HIV-infection: preliminary findings', with A.B.Bankaitis, L.W. Kretschmer, L. Lee, P. Frame, Ear and Hearing, submitted September 1996.

76. 'Understanding Central Auditory Processing Disorders: Diagnosis and Remediation', The Hearing Journal Vol. 49, No 11, November 1996. Reprinted with permission in Percepciones, Winter 1996, Argentia.

78. 'Validity of the Auditory Continous Performance Test in Differentiating Central Processing Auditory Disorders with and without ADHD', with Cynthis Riccio, Morris Cohen, George Hynd., Journal of Learning Disabilities, Volume 29, No.5, pp, 561-566, September 1996.

79. 'Comments on Central Auditory Processing ' in Percepciones Journal of Argentina, Volume 2, Number 4, December 1996.

80. Keith RW, Guest Editor of Current Opinions in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Vol 5, No 5, October 1997.

81. Vestibular Rehabilitation. Kristen M. Pennington and RW Keith. Current Opinions in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Vol 5, No 5, October 1997. Pp 324-329.

82. Central Auditory Evaluation of Patients with Spasmodic Dysphonia. Michele L. Middleton, Keith M. Wilson and RW Keith. Ear Nose and Throat Journal, 710-715, October 1997. (Recommended as ABest of 97' by the ENT Journal Editor.).

83. Central Auditory Processing in a Patient with Bilateral Temporal Lobe Tumors: A Case Report. Rebekah Fallis-Cunningham, Ronald E. Warnick and RW Keith. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, Vol. 9, 1998. Pp. 299-304.

84. Intraoperative Experience with Neuromotor Evoked Potentials: A Review of 60 Consecutive Cases. Stephanie E. Lubitz, Alvin H. Crawford and Robert W. Keith. In Press, Spine October 1999.

85. Editor, Audiology section, Current Opinion in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 6, No. 5, Oct. 1998.

86. Clinical Issues in Central Auditory Processing Disorders. Language Speech and Hearing Services in the School Forum on Cautionary Practices, In Press: October 1999.

87. 'A Brief Introduction to the Auditory Fusion Test-Revised', Educational Audiology Review, Vol. 16, No. 2, Spring 1999, Robert W. Keith, Maxine Young, and Robert McCroskey.

88. Standardizations of SCAN-C: Test of Auditory Processing Disorders-Revised. Submitted to Journal of American Academy of Audiology, October 1999.


Physiological responses to sound for purposes of developing objective tests and measuring hearing levels of neonates and very young children; differential diagnosis of auditory pathology; central auditory and language disorders in children and adults; assessment techniques for evaluating Balance Disorders in patients with acute and chronic unsteadiness and vertigo; evoked potential measures in differential diagnosis of peripheral and central nervous system disorders; evoked potential applications during intra-operative monitoring of surgical procedures.


Establishment Grant, annual salary for audiologist, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, 1970-71

Establishment Grant for rehabilitative audiologist, Rehabilitation Services Commission, 1971-72

Speech and Hearing Rehabilitation of the Head/Neck Cancer Patients, American Cancer Society, annually

Hearing Aid Test System co-funded by The Andrew Jergens Foundation and the Cincinnati Association of Parents and Teachers of the Deaf, 1973

NIH Fogarty International Fellowship Award, 1975-76

The National Foundation March of Dimes for Symposium on Central Auditory Dysfunction, 1977

Consulting Audiologist for 'The Efficacy of Phototherapy in the Treatment of Hyperbilirubinemia,' National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Grant 1-HD-4-2818, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, 1977-84

Royal Arch Masons Research Association, for research in central auditory function, 1981, July 1982, February 1983

Communicative Disorders Foundation, August 24, 1982, July 1983

Charles Westheimer Family Fund, December 28, 1982

Peterloon Foundation, January 24, 1983

Principal Investigator, Project 4, The Effect of Lead Exposure on Electrophysiological Measures of Brain Function. NIH application entitled 'Health Effects of Lead on Child Development,' with Department of Environmental Health, Paul Hammond, Project Director; submitted September 28, 1984 (priority score 193); not funded

Relationship of Fetal Acidosis to Newborn Hearing Loss. Submitted to NIH October 30, 1984, with James Wood, M.D.; approved but not funded

The Relationship of Middle Ear Effusion to Central Auditory Processing and Language. Submitted to Xomed Corporation and funded for $12,000 over four years, effective January 1, 1985; with Robin Cotton, M.D., and John Tholking, M.D.

Otitis Media and Communication and Cognitive Development. NIH application to Sensory Disorders and Language section, submitted October 17, 1985; with Robin Cotton, M.D., and John Tholking, M.D. Approved but not funded. Resubmitted 1986, not funded.

Establishment of a Balance Disorders Center. Submitted to University Research Council, Research Challenge Program--Request for Concept Papers, submitted May 28, 1986

An Investigation of Positioning Vertical Nystagmus in a Normal Population. Submitted to University Medical School--Student Research Fellowship for Christopher E. Bruck, UC I, submitted Spring 1986; not funded

The Effects of Lead Exposure on Electrophysiological Measures of Brain Function. Funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, Grant No. CR 812975-01-0 EPA; co-principle investigator with Robert Bornshein; funded for one year, July 1986-87 for 10% of R. Keith salary Sustained Auditory Attention in Children. Grant application submitted to the March of Dimes, September 1986, with Kathleen Krafft, for one year effective March 1987 ($25,132)

Health Effects of Lead on Child Development. Grant submitted to NIH-NIEHS; Kim Dietrich, principle investigator; $238,051 for five year period, September 1, 1987-August 31, 1991

Noninvasive Quantification of Postural Disequilibrium in Lead-Exposed Children. Amit Bhattacharya, principle investigator; Robert W. Keith, et al., co-investigators; submitted to NIH September 25, 1987, not funded.

Auditory Perceptual Abilities in Patients with Alzheimers Disease. Funded by The University of Cincinnati Alzheimers Research Center for the period January 1-December 30, 1989 ($10,000)

Standardization of SCAN-A: Test for Central Auditory Processing Abilities with Persons who are Elderly. Funded by Retirement Research Foundation. for the period of November 1, 1993 - November

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