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Profile of Robert Ferm

Robert Ferm

Attorney - Hall & Evans
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Company Name : Hall & Evans
Company Website : www.hallevans.com
Company Address : 1125 17th St.
Ste. 600, Denver, CO,
United States,
Robert Ferm Profile :
Attorney - Hall & Evans
Robert Ferm Biography :

Bob addresses legislative, regulatory, and corporate transactional matters on behalf of the insurance industry and regulated professions. He heads Hall & Evans' Insurance Regulatory Practice Group, which represents property and casualty, health and life insurance entities ranging from national trade associations to individual alternative risk mechanisms. He participated in the drafting and passage of Colorado tort reform, workers' compensation reform, health care policy reform and regulatory re-engineering of the business of insurance. Bob is former chair and current vice chair of the Insurance Regulation Committee, current vice chair of the Excess, Surplus Lines and Reinsurance Committee, chair-elect of the Emerging Issues Committee, and a member of the Task Force on Strategic Alliances of the Tort and Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association. Additionally, he has served on a number of governmental and professional advisory bodies concerning insurance issues. He is a frequent speaker and published author before state, regional and national audiences on property and casualty, health, life and accident insurance legislative, regulatory and transactional developments. Bob was admitted to practice in California in 1975 and Colorado in 1984. He is admitted before the United States District Courts, District of Colorado and Central District of California. He is also licensed to practice in the Republic of Palau and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; having served as the attorney general of the Republic of Palau from 1981 to 1982. He received his Juris Doctor from Southwestern University School of Law in 1973 and his Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, in political science from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1970.

Robert Ferm Colleagues :
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Emily Ahnell

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Erin Asborno

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Benton Barton

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Thomas Beam

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John Bolmer

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