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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Robert Maddox
Dir., Utility Programs
Robert Maddox's Email : Please login
Company Name : Sterling Planet Inc.
Company Website : www.sterlingplanet.com
Company Address : 3295 River Exchange Dr.
Ste. 300, Norcross, GA,
United States,
Robert Maddox's Profile : Dir., Utility Programs
Robert Maddox's Biography :

Bob Maddox lives and works 'green' from his Connecticut office. A dedicated environmental activist, solar energy advocate and organic farmer, Mr. Maddox is the stalwart manager and liaison for Sterling Plant s utility green pricing program partnerships and retail activities. He manages the company s relationships with Connecticut Light and Power, United Illuminating, Consolidated Edison in New York, Long Island Power Authority, Suburban Energy and National Grid in Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. Mr. Maddox is the former Director of Marketing and Communications for the Connecticut Energy Cooperative, where he designed and implemented a marketing strategy and launched the first competitive electricity and premium green power offering in Connecticut. Mr. Maddox also served for 14 years as a member of the Connecticut General Assembly, developing an expertise on environmental, energy and fiscal policy. A member of the U.S. Green Building Council and LEED Accredited Professional, Mr. Maddox is an appointed member of the LEED Energy and Atmosphere Technical Advisory Group. Mr. Maddox has served as co-chairman of the National Green Power Marketers Green Power Board and is an instructor in a worldwide sustainable movement known as The Natural Step. In February 2006, Mr. Maddox was appointed by the Governor of Connecticut, Hon. M. Jodi Rell, to be a member of Renewable Energy Investments Advisory Board, which oversees the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund expenditures. Mr. Maddox monitors the development of carbon markets such as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and the Kyoto Treaty s flexible mechanisms and serves as Sterling Planet s EPA Climate Leaders coordinator.

Robert Maddox's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Therrell Murphy Chmn. Please login
Mel Jones Pres., CEO Please login
Robert Purser CFO Please login
Ron Mitchell Exec. VP, Operations Please login
Alden Hathaway Sr. VP, Business Development Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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