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Profile of Rocco Commisso

Rocco Commisso

Chmn., CEO - Mediacom Communications Corp.
Rocco Commisso Email :
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Company Name : Mediacom Communications Corp.
Company Website : www.mediacomcc.com
Company Address : 100 Crystal Run Rd.
, Middletown, NY,
United States,
Rocco Commisso Profile :
Chmn., CEO - Mediacom Communications Corp.
Rocco Commisso Biography :

Rocco B. Commisso has 27 years of experience with the cable television industry and has served as our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since founding our predecessor company in July 1995. From 1986 to 1995, he served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and a director of Cablevision Industries Corporation. Prior to that time, Mr. Commisso served as Senior Vice President of Royal Bank of Canada's affiliate in the United States from 1981, where he founded and directed a specialized lending group to media and communications companies. Mr. Commisso began his association with the cable industry in 1978 at The Chase Manhattan Bank, where he managed the bank's lending activities to communications firms including the cable industry. He serves on the board of directors and executive committees of the National Cable Television Association and Cable Television Laboratories, Inc., and on the board of directors of C-SPAN and the National Italian American Foundation. Mr. Commisso holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia University.

Rocco Commisso Colleagues :
Name Title Email

John Pascarelli

Exec. VP - Operations Please login

Mark Stephan

Board Dir., Exec. VP, CFO Please login

Michael Rahimi

Sr. VP - Marketing, Consumer Services Please login

Thomas Reifenheiser

Board Dir. Please login

Charles Bartolotta

Sr. VP - Customer Operations Please login

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