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Profile of Rodney Piatt

Rodney Piatt

Board Dir. - Mylan Laboratories Inc.
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Company Name : Mylan Laboratories Inc.
Company Website : www.mylan.com
Company Address : 1500 Corporate Dr.
Ste. 400, Canonsburg, PA,
United States,
Rodney Piatt Profile :
Board Dir. - Mylan Laboratories Inc.
Rodney Piatt Biography :

Rodney L. Piatt was elected to the Board of Directors of Mylan Laboratories in 2004. Mr. Piatt brings to Mylan extensive experience as an auditor and successful business leader and is a member of the Mylan Audit, Finance, Compensation and Governance and Nominating Committees.

Mr. Piatt currently serves as the President and owner of Horizon Properties, a real estate development company he founded in 1996. Mr. Piatt holds a number of other business positions, including: Vice Chairman of Community Bank N.A., a publicly held company for which he also serves as Bank Audit Committee Chairman; Director of Accutrex Products, Inc.; Director and First Vice President of the Washington Industrial Development Corporation; CEO and Director of Lincoln Manufacturing Inc.; and Advisory Board Member and Financial Advisor to Universal Smart Company, a privately owned company serving the healthcare industry. From 1979 to 1996, he served as President and Director of Millcraft Industries, a multidimensional company primarily focused on the steel and real estate industries. From 1974 to 1979, Piatt was employed by Ernst & Ernst (now Ernst & Young).

Mr. Piatt received a bachelor of science in accounting from the University of Tampa in 1974. He is a certified public accountant in Pennsylvania and a past member of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Rodney Piatt Colleagues :
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Wendy Cameron

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