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Roger Nolan
Roger Nolan's Email : Please login
Company Name : Sonopia Corp.
Company Website : www.sonopia.com
Company Address : 1370 Willow Rd.
, Menlo Park, CA,
United States,
Roger Nolan's Profile : CTO
Roger Nolan's Biography :

Roger is responsible for building and managing the team that creates Sonopia�s client technology and their supporting server infrastructure. Roger has worked in cutting-edge mobile applications for over 12 years. At mobile pioneer Psion, he architected and led development of the communications and telephony subsystems that would become the basis for Symbian's success. This software has shipped in over 30 million handsets. Roger was a founding member of Symbian, where he was responsible for the first Symbian licensee projects with Nokia an undertaking that ultimately resulted in the emergence of Nokia's Series 60, Series 80 and Series 90 product lines. Following this, Roger built and managed Symbian's consulting units in the UK and later Japan. After returning from Japan, Roger headed Symbian's product management team. Before co-founding Sonopia, Roger worked at Texas Instruments defining the software architecture and strategy for the Cellular Systems Business Unit. Roger was also TI's board representative at the Khronos group. Roger holds a BSC in Mathematics from Imperial College London.

Roger Nolan's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Juha Christensen CEO Please login
Christian Petersen VP Product Management Please login
James Brown CIO Please login
Jeremy Burton VP Corporate Development Please login
Stine Jewett Investor Information Contact Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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