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Profile of Romeo MacAria

Romeo MacAria

GM Recognos Romania - Recognos Inc.
Romeo MacAria Email :
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Company Name : Recognos Inc.
Company Website : www.recognos.com
Company Address : 1010 B St.
Ste. 209, San Rafael, CA,
United States,
Romeo MacAria Profile :
GM Recognos Romania - Recognos Inc.
Romeo MacAria Biography :

Romeo Macaria grew up in Cluj, Romania. He graduated MS in Mathematics from Babes Bolyai University in Cluj. His career started at the Cluj Territorial Center for Computation (CTCE) where he worked as programmer and researcher at the Research Department. He joined the Soros Foundation for an Open Society, Cluj Branch in 1992, where he was a program coordinator for the following programs: E-Mail/Internet, Media (CATV), Mobile Conference and Translation System. Between 1995 - 1997 he was the program director of the Computer Communication and Training Center (CCTC) program of the Soros Foundation Romania. Between 1997 - 2000 he was the managing director of Cluj Branch of Dynamic Network Technologies (DNT) - the spin-off company of the Soros Foundation Romania and later he became the General Manager of DNT. At DNT Cluj Branch he created and developed four business lines: ISP, software/web development, conference support. Between 1993-2000 he attended different Internet/marketing/management related training courses at Stanford University, Palo Alto USA, Washington DC , USA, Prague The Czech Republic, Budapest Hungary and Bucharest Romania. Together with Kendal Rogers and George Roth, Romeo Macaria is a founder of RECOGNOS Romania (August 2000).

Romeo MacAria Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Ioan Iacob

CTO Please login

Ken Rogers

COO Please login

George Roth

Pres., CEO Please login

Richard Weerts

Pres. Please login

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