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Profile of Ron Posner

Ron Posner

Board of Advisor - Global Menu Guide Inc.
Ron Posner Email :
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Company Name : Global Menu Guide Inc.
Company Website : www.globalmenuguide.com
Company Address : 811 Bridger Ave.
, Las Vegas, NV,
United States,
Ron Posner Profile :
Board of Advisor - Global Menu Guide Inc.
Ron Posner Biography :

Mr. Posner has been an active investor and advisor to many companies in the international high technology marketplace including Flipside.com owned by Vivendi; Emusic.com, which was sold to Universal Music; Spinner.com, now part of AOL; Match.com, now part of Ticketmaster Online-CitySearch Inc. (TMCS) - part of the USA Interactive (USAI) group of companies; Netangels.com, sold to Firefly (now part of Microsoft; Cybermedia, now a part of Network Associates (NET); Smallworld Software, now part of GE Power Systems Network Solutions; Airlink.com; Segue Software (SEGU) and Novatel Wireless (NVTL). Ron has successfully directed and executed consolidations, turnarounds, mergers and acquisitions as the CEO of Peter Norton Computing (sold to Symantec - SMYC), WordStar (merged into The Learning Company and then sold to Mattel for over $3.5B in market value), Ansa Software (sold to Borland) and at Ashton-Tate (sold to Borland). Earlier in his career, Mr. Posner started two business training companies: Tratec, a sales training company was taken public and sold to McGraw-Hill and National Training Systems, a computer training company, sold to Safeguard Scientifics Inc (SFE). He began his career at Xerox Data Systems and The Coca-Cola Company. Mr. Posner serves on the board of directors of online education leader Click2learn.com, Inc. (CLKS), a Paul Allen Vulcan Ventures' Wired World CompanyTM and Mobile Entertainment Corp (www.mobile-ent.com). Mr. Posner is an investor in the Kleiner Perkins Zaibatsu Fund, New Enterprise Associates, and JP Morgan Technology Fund.

Ron Posner Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Raymond Kasbarian

Pres., CEO Please login

Ron Davis

Pres. - Usmenuguide Please login

Barbara Bernard

Dir. Marketing Please login

Joseph Amiel

Board of Advisor Please login

Bill Boggs

Board of Advisor Please login

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