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Profile of Ron Childress

Ron Childress

VP, COO - Cornerstone Information Systems Inc.
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Company Name : Cornerstone Information Systems Inc.
Company Website : www.ciswired.com
Company Address : 304 W Kirkwood Ave.
, Bloomington, IN,
United States,
Ron Childress Profile :
VP, COO - Cornerstone Information Systems Inc.
Ron Childress Biography :

Ron Childress knows that the true value of any technology is the ability to turn information into knowledge and to streamline tedious tasks. It is a commitment to outcomes rather than technology for technology�s sake that helps Cornerstone�s client companies succeed. In his role as vice president and COO, Ron heads the technology team and handles software development, systems administration, product support and corporate operations. Ron was drawn to Cornerstone because of the transitions he saw taking place in the travel industry. His ability to make decisions from a logical standpoint have made him a perfect fit for Cornerstone. Ron has always been a tech guy. He got his start working in IBM System 34/36 environments and writing in COBOL. Later, he served as the MIS Director at Cook Incorporated where he fully automated every step of a manual order-to-shipping process that was tedious and time-consuming. Upon completion of this project, Ron traveled throughout Europe to automate the company�s worldwide order-processing systems. Ron holds a bachelor of science degree in MIS and is also a master graduate from Rapport Leadership International.

Ron Childress Colleagues :
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Mat Orrego

Pres., CEO Please login

Shaun McDermott

CFO Please login

Alan Minton

VP - Marketing, Customer Solutions Please login

Kyle Moser

VP - Business Development, Consulting Please login

Jim Ehinger

Instructor Please login

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