Prior to joining Elision Health, Ron was Director of the NHS Clinical Governance Support Team (CGST). He joined the CGST in 2000 as Programme Director and was then appointed Deputy Head. Ron joined the CGST from the University Hospitals of Leicester where he was Director of the Centre for Best Practice. Ron has worked in the NHS for 27 years, starting his career in Pathology services. Ron has vast experience in bringing about change in the complex healthcare environment. He has implemented change strategies and change management programmes at a local, regional, national and international level. Ron�s responsibilities included the identification of policy and guidance to support the implementation of clinical governance, liaison with other NHS and Department of Health agencies to produce packages to support clinical governance and to build synergies within the Department of Health and the NHS. Between 2003 and 2005, Ron worked as Head of Division for Healthcare Quality and Standards within the Department of Health. This role included departmental sponsorship of the Healthcare Commission and the National Patients Safety Agency, as well as, a strategic overview of safety and quality policy. He was responsible for developing the strategy to implement the business change associated with the National Programme for information and Technology. |