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Profile of Ron Hulen

Ron Hulen

CTO - AnviCom Inc.
Ron Hulen Email :
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Company Name : AnviCom Inc.
Company Website : www.anvi.com
Company Address : 13655 Dulles Technology Dr.
Ste. 100, Herndon, VA,
United States,
Ron Hulen Profile :
CTO - AnviCom Inc.
Ron Hulen Biography :

Ron is the Chief Technology Officer of Command Information. As CTO, Ron evaluates and ensures successful adoption of new technologies and methodologies. Ron is responsible for facilitating IPv6 adoption throughout the software development community as well as adoption of agile methods at the organizational enterprise level.

Prior to his role at Command, Ron was the Senior Vice President of Technology at Digital Focus. In this role, he successfully launched new services and platforms including the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) practice that was quickly adopted by the company.

Ron has more than 20 years of experience using technology to solve business needs, maximizing productivity for organizations. As an independent consultant, he mentored large organizations in object technology and methodology adoption. As a technical manager and developer, he has delivered several network management systems for clients such as Bell Atlantic and Wiltel.

Ron received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, and is a member of IASA and a volunteer for NVTC.

Ron Hulen Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Tom Patterson

CEO, Pres. - Command Information, Dir. Please login

Bob Dowski

CFO, Exec. VP Administration Please login

David Burke

COO Please login

Stephen Oronte

Exec. VP Network Centric Solutions Please login

Greg Sloan

Sr. VP - Business Development Please login

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