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Profile of Ron Joyce

Ron Joyce

Co - Founder, Chmn. Emeritus - Tim Hortons Inc.
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Company Name : Tim Hortons Inc.
Company Website : www.timhortons.com
Company Address : 874 Sinclair Rd.
, Oakville, ON,
Ron Joyce Profile :
Co - Founder, Chmn. Emeritus - Tim Hortons Inc.
Ron Joyce Biography :

Ron Joyce was born in 1930 in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. In 1951, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy where he specialized in the Communications field. His tour of duty took him around the world, serving off the coast of Korea and Japan in 1954-55.

In 1956, Mr. Joyce moved to Hamilton, Ontario and took up a full-time career with the Hamilton Police force. In 1965, his entrepreneurial spirit had come to the fore and he took over the fledgling Tim Horton Donut Shop on Ottawa Street in Hamilton. By 1967, after he had opened up two more stores, he and Tim Horton became full partners in the business.

Upon Tim Horton's death in an automobile accident in February of 1974, Mr. Joyce purchased Tim's shares from Tim's wife and took over as sole owner of the chain, which then consisted of 40 stores.

Ron Joyce Colleagues :
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Paul House

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Michael Endres

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Frank Iacobucci

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David Lauer

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David Lees

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