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Profile of Ronald Schaeffer

Ronald Schaeffer

CEO - PhotoMachining Inc.
Ronald Schaeffer Email :
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Company Name : PhotoMachining Inc.
Company Website : www.photomachining.com
Company Address : 4 Indl. Dr.
Unit No. 40, Pelham, NH,
United States,
Ronald Schaeffer Profile :
CEO - PhotoMachining Inc.
Ronald Schaeffer Biography :

I received a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Lehigh University in 1986. Prior to that I spent several years in the US Army in the 172nd Mountain Brigade and the 101st Airborne Division.I have been working in the laser industry for 20+ years holding technical, sales and management positions at Spectra Physics, Lambda Physik, Laser Photonics and Resonetics. I am active in technical organizations where I give seminars designed to promote the technology of Laser based micromachining in industry. I also publish frequently in several different journals and magazines, including a monthly web column, "Light Reading", in PCB007. My hobbies include music, collecting and repairing antique timepieces, preparing (and enjoying!) fine food, riding our Harley, and farming. My wife Joann and I live on High Hollow Farm. The old colonial farmhouse was built in 1772 and was occupied by the nephews of Samuel Wilson, otherwise known as Uncle Sam.

Ronald Schaeffer Colleagues :
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John O'Connell

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Gabor Kardos

Materials Processing Mgr. Please login

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