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Profile of Roni Denise

Roni Denise

VP, Genomic Research, Development - MetaMorphix Inc.
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Company Name : MetaMorphix Inc.
Company Website : www.metamorphixinc.com
Company Address : 8000 Virginia Manor Rd.
Ste. 140, Beltsville, MD,
United States,
Roni Denise Profile :
VP, Genomic Research, Development - MetaMorphix Inc.
Roni Denise Biography :

Roni Sue K. DeNise, Ph.D. has served as our Vice President of Genomic Research and Development since 2004. She joined us as Director of Research and Development in 2002 after serving 18 years on the faculty at the University of Arizona. Dr. DeNise was a Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences and Interdisciplinary Program on Genetics where her research focused on understanding the genetic basis of quantitative traits using molecular markers, primarily in dairy and beef cattle. In addition to her faculty responsibilities, Dr. DeNise has held numerous service positions with organizations such as the National Genetic Resources Advisory Council and the American Genome Technical Committee. She served as Chair on the National Animal Genome Project. Additionally, Dr. DeNise was appointed to the National Genetic Resources Advisory Council by the Secretary of Agriculture, and served on the Board of Directors for the American Society of Animal Science. Dr. DeNise holds a Ph.D. in Animal Science from Colorado State University.

Roni Denise Colleagues :
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Edwin Quattlebaum

Co - Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

Thomas Russo

CFO, Exec. VP Please login

Howard Minigh

Board Dir. Please login

Clifton Baile

Board Dir. Please login

Peter Meyer

Co - Chmn. Please login

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