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Profile of Rosa Yang

Rosa Yang

VP - Innovation - Electric Power Research Institute
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Company Name : Electric Power Research Institute
Company Website : www.epri.com
Company Address : 3420 Hillview Ave.
, Palo Alto, CA,
United States,
Rosa Yang Profile :
VP - Innovation - Electric Power Research Institute
Rosa Yang Biography :

Rosa Yang is Vice President, Innovation at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). She joined EPRI in 1987 as a Project Manager in the Light Water Reactor Fuel Program, focusing her research activities on fuel design, fuel failure investigation, corrosion, and the impact of plant operation on fuel performance. In 1998, Yang established EPRI's Fuel Reliability Program, with participants from more than 10 countries and 30 nuclear utilities. As Director of the Materials and Chemistry Department within EPRI's Nuclear Power Sector, Yang guided research activities designed to enhance scientific understanding of nuclear issues, and to improve the safe, reliable and economic operation of nuclear power reactors. With a multi-disciplined technical staff of more than 50 and a diverse $55M per year research portfolio, she lead research activities in boiling water reactor and pressurized water reactor materials aging and degradation, water chemistry control, fuel performance and reliability, spent fuel storage, high and low-level waste disposal, and radiation control. Before joining EPRI, Yang worked for General Electric, where she developed the company's fuel design and licensing code. She also served as the technical lead for several internationally sponsored fuel testing programs. Yang holds a Bachelor of Science in nuclear engineering from the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, and a Master of Science and doctorate in nuclear engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. Yang is a frequent guest speaker and published author on nuclear fuel and materials technology issues. She has delivered featured presentations at numerous key industry events, including the International Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting, Annual American Nuclear Society Meeting, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Regulatory Information Conference.

Rosa Yang Colleagues :
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Steven Specker

CEO, Pres. Please login

Henry Courtright

Sr. VP, Member Services Please login

Kevin Evans

CFO, Sr. VP Please login

Norma Formanek

Sr. VP, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, Corp. Sec. Please login

Michael Howard

Sr. VP - Research, Development Please login

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