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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Roy Smith
Exec. VP
Roy Smith's Email : Please login
Company Name : System Planning Corp.
Company Website : www.sysplan.com
Company Address : 1000 Wilson Blvd.
, Arlington, VA,
United States,
Roy Smith's Profile : Exec. VP
Roy Smith's Biography :

As Executive Vice President for Technical Operations, Mr. Smith has overall responsibility for the company's advanced technology business. He directs and participates in analyses and studies of low-observable (LO) and counter-low-observables (CLO) technologies and their potential integration into advanced platforms/vehicles to enhance combat effectiveness. He is responsible for overseeing the development of improved techniques for measuring various signatures and identifying methods for reducing or effectively managing those signatures. He has directed efforts to achieve reduced signatures for combat platforms, including the gathering of measurement data to validate both material and design performance involving significant technology advances. Mr. Smith's prior work at SPC included assisting in the evaluation and assessment of existing and programmed command, control, communications, electronic warfare, and surveillance initiatives for the Navy. He also evaluated programs against new requirements in a number of special areas, including antijam communications, low probability of intercept, and decoys. Prior to joining SPC, Mr. Smith was the senior analyst and study director at the Sante Fe Corporation where he directed a study addressing the question of the characteristics of future nuclear warfare and nuclear weapons for naval forces. The study findings were compared with ongoing and planned programs to identify potential areas of development incorporating technology advances. As study director and head of the wargaming division for the Center for Naval Analyses, Mr. Smith designed, conducted, analyzed, and reported the results of fleet wargames involving AAW, ASW, and strike warfare for advanced naval vehicles (e.g., SESs, PHMs, V/STOL aircraft). Mr. Smith holds bachelor's and master's degrees in political science/public administration from the University of Maryland.

Roy Smith's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Ronald Easley Chmn., CEO Please login
Philip Schaenman Founder, Pres. Please login
Linda Easley VP Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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