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Profile of Roy Batruni

Roy Batruni

Founder, Chmn., CTO - Optichron Inc.
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Company Name : Optichron Inc.
Company Website : www.optichron.com
Company Address : 4221 Technology Dr.
, Fremont, CA,
United States,
Roy Batruni Profile :
Founder, Chmn., CTO - Optichron Inc.
Roy Batruni Biography :

Roy Batruni, Founder, Chairman, and CTO, has more than 25 years of semiconductor industry experience, specializing in communications integrated circuit architecture and design with an emphasis on signal processing. He founded Optichron after identifying a significant market opportunity the need for solutions to nonlinear distortion problems in a variety of industries relying on signal processing technologies. Batruni had a unique technical solution to nonlinear distortion based on a comprehensive theory from which Turbolinear technology was derived.

Batruni's professional experience began with 15 years at National Semiconductor's Telecom and Mass Storage groups. His last position there was as Director of the DSP Group, overseeing the design of high-performance programmable general-purpose signal processing engines. After National Semiconductor, he worked at two start-ups, ControlNet and Enable Semiconductor, on 10/100 and gigabit Ethernet transceiver design. Later, Batruni served as Vice President of Engineering for Avio Digital, a company focused on home networking technology, until the company was acquired by Centillium Communications. At Centillium, he held the same title and was responsible for the development of high-performance ADSL products.

Batruni has a bachelor's degree in electronic, computer and systems engineering from Loughborough University of Technology (U.K.), a master's degree in electrical engineering from Cornell University and a master's degree in business administration (MBA) from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.

Roy Batruni Colleagues :
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Thomas Carlson

CFO Please login

Ron Abruzzese

VP - Sales Please login

Mike Basanty

VP - Operations Please login

Tim Ryan

Founder, VP - Systems Engineering Please login

Ravi Ramachandran

Founder, VP - Microelectronics Please login

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